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остання мрія Енштейна (to be continued)

  • 13.11.09, 13:30
Dear all, (sorry for my albanskiii) I hope to be able to continue my "down to earth" speculations on modern physics. My goal is to fill the black hole appeared on the place of popular explanations of science. However, it would happen not earlier as in several days. The reason is I do not have my Ukrainian keyboard tears If you liked my previous publication and have no difficulties with English here and here may be an article for you. I promise to be back with a new piece of the "Theory of Everything". ............. In Einstein's day, the strong and weak forces had not yet been discovered, but he found the existence of even two distinct forces—gravity and electromagnetism—deeply troubling.

Einstein did not accept that nature is founded on such an extravagant design. This launched his 30-year voyage in search of the so-called unified field theory that he hoped would show that these two forces are really manifestations of one grand underlying principle. This quixotic quest isolated Einstein from the mainstream of physics, which, understandably, was far more excited about delving into the newly emerging framework of quantum mechanics. He wrote to a friend in the early 1940s, "I have become a lonely old chap who is mainly known because he doesn't wear socks and who is exhibited as a curiosity on special occasions."

Einstein was simply ahead of his time. More than half a century later, his dream of a unified theory has become the Holy Grail of modern physics.

And a sizeable part of the physics and mathematics community is becoming increasingly convinced that string theory may provide the answer. From one principle—that everything at its most microscopic level consists of combinations of vibrating strands—string theory provides a single explanatory framework capable of encompassing all forces and all matter.

Otaka kartyna svitu chih

Фундаментальні сили природи або остання мрія Енштейна

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Спроба №2: анти релігія

  • 11.11.09, 23:59
відео присвячується наступним автору замітки

Прошу вибачення, справжня замітка тут

Релігія -- опіум для народу

Кількість релігійних і коло релігійних заміток на ресурсі значно перевищує кількість заміток, що претендують на якусь науковість.
Принаймні у себе в блозі можна оголосити зону вільну від релігії. [ Читать дальше ]

Вона... працює (творчість зТаблоїда)

Сталевар у домны грелся,
Дурью маялся шахтер,
На завалинке расселся,
Прохлаждаясь, комбайнер.
Часовой дремал на вышке,
А ученый за столом
пыль сдувал с какой-то книжки,
Забавляясь баловством.
Стетоскопом врач игрался,
И рабочий у станка
пел, плясал и развлекался...
Все валяли дурака!
Все ударились в безделье,
Кто в разврат, а кто в веселье...
И пропала бы страна!
Если б, отдыха не зная,
честных рук не покладая,
Глаз правдивых не смыкая,
И косы не расплетая,
Не работала она!!!