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  • 11.02.23, 13:47
Компетентной государственной институции Правительства Королевства Бельгия отправлен официальный запрос по поводу объяснений причин, из за которых Премьер Министра Татарстана(пока еще в изгнании) Рафис Кашапов 30.01.23 был не допущен на территорию ЕС, из за чего не смог принять участие в 5т Форуме СНП в Европейском Парламенте 31.01.23.
Ожидаем на ответ, ниже текст письма-обращения:

On January 30, 2023, Rafis Kashapov, the Prime Minister of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile, was "refused" to enter the territory of Belgium at "Brussels Airport Company NV / SA" airport in Brussels and subsequently deported back to London, UK. This "refusal" and deportation, Anneliese Verlinden, was signed personally by you.
For 8 hours Rafis Kashapov was detained at Brussels Airport Company NV / SA and questioned by the Belgian Border Guard. Without presenting clear charges and explaining the reasons for detention, Rafis Kashapov was offered only two options: either arrest for 10 days or deportation back to London.
Also, Rafis Kashapov was illegally denied to receive the Protocol of interrogation, a copy of the Protocol of interrogation with the seal and even a request to take a photo of the Protocol of interrogation.
The refusal to enter Belgium without giving a reason and refusal to provide the Protocol of interrogation is a gross violation of international law and a violation of human rights. Also:
1. Article 1, Article 2, Article 5, Article 7, Article 9, Article 10, Article 11, Article 20, Article 28 of the Human Rights Convention;
2. Article 7, Article 11, Article 13, Article 16, Article 17 of the European Convention on Human Rights;
3. Protocol No. 4, Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Rafis Kashapov is the Prime Minister of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile, who arrived on an official visit to Belgium, to the city of Brussels at the invitation of members of the European Parliament to speak at the 5th Forum of the Free Nations of Post-Russia.
Rafis Kashapov has a temporary British passport, a travel document and the right to travel to all countries except his country of origin (Russia), including Belgium.
We, all the speakers of the Forum of Free Nations of Post-Russia, the organizers and the public, ask you to officially provide a written explanation of your decision to "refuse" to enter the territory of Belgium and deprive the representative of the Independent Government of Tatarstan and the "Idel-Ural" territory of the opportunity to speak at the conference in the European Parliament. Also, provide a list of the legal grounds for your decision to deport Rafis Kashapov back to London, Great Britain and the refusal to provide the Protocol of Interrogation.
We also ask you, Anneliese Verlinde, to attach to your written explanation the Minutes (or a copy of the Sealed Minutes) of the interrogation of Rafis Kashapov.

Regards, speakers and organizers of the Forum of the Free Nations of Post-Russia.
February 9, 2023.
