хочу сюди!


39 років, близнюки, познайомиться з хлопцем у віці 35-45 років

Що ви курите, Олаф Шольц?

Що ви курите, Олаф Шольц? Вперше за час війни реально розсміявся. Було б справді смішно, якби не було так сумно і соромно.

Борис, ти теж це читав?

What do you smoke, Olaf Scholz? For the first time in the war I really laughed. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad and ashamed.

Boris Johnson, did you see that, too?

Олег Ляшко,
Лідер Радикальної партії 



18.06.22, 16:27

I hope you don't speak English on your FB page. native speakers won't understand you, poor thing.

    28.06.22, 16:28

    Нащо зараз сміятися, ще не вечір. А великий післявоєнний список Вдячності все покаже в цифрах і датах... герр Шольц...

    Мені здається, треба просто забути за декого і більше їх не турбувати. А без зброї нас не залишать ні Англія, ні тим більше США. Поляки чехи, прибалти теж певно не останні партії заліза дають...

      38.06.22, 16:31Відповідь на 1 від bagheera

      I hope you don't speak English on your FB page. native speakers won't understand you, poor thing.he will not understand because he is stupid

        48.06.22, 16:33Відповідь на 3 від Эйч

        I hope you don't speak English on your FB page. native speakers won't understand you, poor thing.he will not understand because he is stupid
        oh I suppose so

          58.06.22, 16:36Відповідь на 4 від bagheera

          I hope you don't speak English on your FB page. native speakers won't understand you, poor thing.he will not understand because he is stupidoh I suppose sowhat assumption? this is a fact

            68.06.22, 16:38Відповідь на 5 від Эйч

            I hope you don't speak English on your FB page. native speakers won't understand you, poor thing.he will not understand because he is stupidoh I suppose sowhat assumption? this is a fact
            well I don't know him personally so I try not to judge without it

              78.06.22, 16:44Відповідь на 6 від bagheera

              I hope you don't speak English on your FB page. native speakers won't understand you, poor thing.he will not understand because he is stupidoh I suppose sowhat assumption? this is a factwell I don't know him personally so I try not to judge without italso don't know, but I've seen his glamorous radical opposition so to speak statements, by the way funny, and for the money

                88.06.22, 17:06Відповідь на 7 від Эйч

                I hope you don't speak English on your FB page. native speakers won't understand you, poor thing.he will not understand because he is stupidoh I suppose sowhat assumption? this is a factwell I don't know him personally so I try not to judge without italso don't know, but I've seen his glamorous radical opposition so to speak statements, by the way funny, and for the money
                any political party is for money no doubts )))

                  98.06.22, 17:13Відповідь на 8 від bagheera

                  I hope you don't speak English on your FB page. native speakers won't understand you, poor thing.he will not understand because he is stupidoh I suppose sowhat assumption? this is a factwell I don't know him personally so I try not to judge without italso don't know, but I've seen his glamorous radical opposition so to speak statements, by the way funny, and for the moneyany political party is for money no doubts )))And yet for the money of the oligarchs, now only somehow something went out, there is no fire without money

                    108.06.22, 17:19Відповідь на 9 від Эйч

                    I hope you don't speak English on your FB page. native speakers won't understand you, poor thing.he will not understand because he is stupidoh I suppose sowhat assumption? this is a factwell I don't know him personally so I try not to judge without italso don't know, but I've seen his glamorous radical opposition so to speak statements, by the way funny, and for the moneyany political party is for money no doubts )))And yet for the money of the oligarchs, now only somehow something went out, there is no fire without money
                    oh yeah, money is force for progress
