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Замітки з міткою «russian slang»

17 Russian Swear Words We Definitely Need In English

When you need to express “And so what?”

01 Ёбаное дно
[Yobannoe dno]
Literally: Fucking bottom. When the situation in your life can't get even worse.

02 Хуй с горы
[Hui s gory]
Literally: A penis from the mountain. Describes a guy who just appeared from somewhere and nobody knows who he is.

03 Ебать-копать
Literally: To fuck-dig
Used like "Jesus Christ" when you are surprised by something.

04 Ебанько
Just a clumsy person.

05 Идиота кусок
[Idiota kusok]
Literally: A piece of idiot Describes a really stupid person.

06 В рот мне ноги
[V rot mne nogi]
Literally: Legs into my mouth. When you are surprised by someone or something.

07 Однохуйственно
Literally: All the same cocks.
When something doesn't matter because it's all the same to you.

08 Заебись
Literally: Fucking great!
An answer to ,flow are you doing?". When you're "Zaebis", you're fucking great!

09 Ебаные пассатижи
[Yobannye passatizhi]
Literally: Fucking pliers.
Used to express surprise in a negative way

10 Выпердыш
Literally: Someone who appears out of farting. Someone who thinks is really important, but in reality is not

11 И хули?
[I hooly?]
Literally: And now? Fuck?
When you need to express "And so what?" in a very aggressive way

12 Ну нахер
[Nu naher]
Literally: "fuck it" or "Let it be". Used as "Fuck it, I don't care".

13 Пизда рулю
[Pizda rulyu]
Everything is fudged now We're doomed and screwed.

14 Ёптель-мопсель
A swearing version of "Jesus Christ" "God dammit".

15 Лох
Someone who is easily fooled.

16 Ну охуеть теперь
[Nu ohuet teper]
Literary: Okay we are fucked. Expressing surprise, even shock, like: "Wow what do we do now?!"

17 Хитровыебанный
A very nasty sounding word that literally means "trickily fucked". Meaning someone who is too fancy snobbish, or pretending to be smarter than you.