хочу сюди!


50 років, телець, познайомиться з хлопцем у віці 45-53 років

Замітки з міткою «рок»

Solution .45 - Wirethrone

One night
I found what was missing
The thread that attaches
Us all together
Without us knowing
Our nexus
By this we stand parted
We challenge
What we do not know
These mindless masses
Will now take us
For a journey

Nowhere fast to the end
Let nothing lasting remain
Ripping the wires,
From failing structures
And build my self again

One night
I found what was missing
The thread that attaches
Us all together
Without us knowing
Our nexus

I have never been
Alive like this
The strings attached
I will make my own
I have never been
Alive like this
Behold my legacy
I have built a wirethrone
My wirethrone

My wirethrone

One too many times
I have failed to answer
To your questions why

Here on my throne of scorn
Concealed walls cannot hide
I have torn out,
All that supports me
To never be whole again

The more I am straining,
The less I attain
What has been built,
All in vain
The more I am gaining,
The less I sustain
Another wellspring to drain

(repeat chorus)

My wirethrone

The more I am straining,
The less I attain
What has been built,
All in vain
The more I am gaining,
The less I sustain
Another wellspring to drain

(repeat chorus x 2)

Mechina - Clash Of Cultures

A long awaited battle
Between fellow men
Following mythical standards
That divide them

Justify the actions
Of mankind
In the name of a man made

I speak
Unto the masses
Seek your repentance
Not from your god
But from your fellow man

Forge a malice between factions
Reinforcing reasons
Upon their actions

Follow the footsteps
Of mankind
In the name
Of selective purity

I speak
Unto the masses
Seek your repentance
Not from you god
But from your fellow man

Your repentance
From your

Vindictive holy wars
Carried out by men
Who claim their killing
In gods name

The crimes committed
On a global scale
In which man has died
In vain

Mind wash the weak
Turn them to pawns
Our crying mothers
Their dying sons
Forget morality
Inject vanity
Upon the alters
Of history

Nirvana cover party


NIRVANA COVER PARTY будет проводиться в подвале школы №303 (ближайшие станции метро: Дарница, Позняки, Харьковская).
Для тех, кто не знает как добраться:
в 18.00 возле нового входа в м.Дарница Вас будут ожидать организаторы, которые проводят Вас к месту концерта. От м.Дарница можно добраться на маршрутке №445, ехать до остановки "Универсам Позняки".
ВХОД 15 грн.

Рейтинг блогов

Какая группа лучше?

Так какая?

25%, 13 голосів

2%, 1 голос

6%, 3 голоси

4%, 2 голоси

0%, 0 голосів

4%, 2 голоси

17%, 9 голосів

6%, 3 голоси

10%, 5 голосів

27%, 14 голосів
Авторизуйтеся, щоб проголосувати.