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Why do Russians drink?

  • 04.03.20, 00:04
Why do Russians drink?
Version, I answer -
In Russia Rot - Everything !!! Buckwheat, wheat, cheese, honey ...
potatoes, apples. Sausage.
Why - because the earth is rotting.
The minimum of nutrients in their soil, increased water content, does not have time to grow, reach) ... It does not have time to dry, such and products in them - with a minimum of nutrients.
Birch is the national tree of Russia, even in the tundra. Only grows on rotten ground. All over Russia. It is about the essence of the earth rotten. All the earth - yes.
In Ukraine Only 5% of birch trees are among All trees. Birch is not our tree!
Birch Something Through Impregnated by the Natural Rotting Remedy (something the best, even in the popular "Vyshnevsky Ointment" (a great expert in medicine and practice) - tar.

Maybe the Russians are all over it (rotten foods) - and should they be disinfected?
not with beer, wine (there is little alcohol, but also harm from fermentation, compotes, in essence) - but with alcohol ...
A strong antibiotic. Eliminates putrefactive putrefactive processes.
is it possible that they drink vodka all the time?
Disinfect! They must!
for rottenness was eaten from its native rotten land.
Their intuition tells them. - Disinfect! Save yourself!

So you don't have to blame them or laugh.
They need to be sympathetic. And somehow they passed on the knowledge - so they knew - and continued to drink the same - but no more. More - Evil.
If they drank in Norma, they would be fine.
And yet - because of the excess vodka, one evil is happening there. They become inhuman.
But - The main thing - I think - they drink - because they have to. For the earth in them is rotten. and life is the same. And products in the stomach. But it is possible to correct a little. Here they are - correct a little.
They are disinfected. Alcohol. 40 degrees.
Do the right thing!

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