- 16.02.10, 16:02
I know I'm not supposed to think about it now. I know i should be so concentrated on my future, my education, my path in this life. But i feel huge need for thinking about it. I'm just too bored to be all right and all so straight-thinking person. I'm struggling for passion in my life. And i always knew i could give up everything else for it, like normal average girl i think. But i never could, even when i had this kind of choice. Passion, desire, feelings and (love?) - everything i was denying, suddenly became so important for me...much important than I ever could imagine. Now, as normal girl, I'm thinking about absence of romance in my life. It was OK for a long time, but now I just can't keep my thoughts away from it. Like my usual obsession object it is painful to be without it. But this is not the main problem. The biggest one is that I'm almost sure, that even with all my luck it's barely possible to find something what I'm craving for. This kind of person, I'm seeking for is not realistic(HA! when i started to be realistic?). Not in this kind of universe.
116.02.10, 16:52
If you there is universe. there is and other like you person!!
byoki-no tora
216.02.10, 16:57
Its hard to give you any kind of wise answer. For one's viewpoint, the life has to be taken as easy as it only could, and only you have to decide which feelings you shall follow. If the feeling binds you, you have to give it up. Others talk about the desire/love as the most important purpose of our lives. But. in fact, you've always to roads before yourself - live for feelings or feel for life. The one thing, what i wanna recommend you - do anything, but do it on the way to not harm one's feelings. And always remember:
Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think. (c) Jean de La Bruyere.
ps. sorry for poor english, and even for commenting, but if you write here your thinks, then somebody will read them, and even somebody will answer.
byoki-no tora
316.02.10, 16:58Відповідь на 2 від byoki-no tora
*to roads=two roads
416.02.10, 17:14Відповідь на 1 від Черный_Ангел+

i hope it's truth.. hope that someday it will come true even i don't know who I'm looking for...i never looked for someone...i always thought that it's kind of stupid and childish...isn't it? but if i believe that something like this is possible i guess i have to believe that somewhere in this universe is someone like me...but i'm not so sure that my craziness is not rare...
516.02.10, 17:20
А чего это вдруг все на английском ? Было желание чтобы тебе ответили как можно меньшее количество людей ?
616.02.10, 17:22Відповідь на 2 від byoki-no tora
i was always the one who live in's true...but in the same time...maybe it's normal madness for girls i don't know but i suddenly realizes that i wanna feelings too, i guess...and as it usual for me, as I'm overreacting everything, i want something big. big feelings that can't be compared with anything in life...someone who will make my life purposeful...maybe I'm asking for too much...or maybe normal human targets was always silly for me...i guess that's why when it came to this part of life I've refused everything usual and common...
but i forgot to say thank you. not so often i get real comments, which could be interesting on this blog.
ps. and your English is not so bad anyway...
716.02.10, 17:24Відповідь на 5 від Vizzerdrix
как минимум мне не ответят 15летние подростки
что уже не может не радовать
чем больше тем лучше
в десяткутем более мне нужна практика
816.02.10, 17:28Відповідь на 7 від Black_bird
horow' )))
916.02.10, 17:31Відповідь на 7 від Black_bird
Если нужна практика почему не воспользуешься например каким-то англоязычным блогом ? Тот же файсбук. И еще я думаю их немало.
А зачем практика в английском языке ?
1016.02.10, 17:33Відповідь на 9 від Vizzerdrix

у меня есть фейсбук...и англоязычные друзья...просто пытаюсь *думать* на английском.
зачем? эт врядли тебе нужно. для практики