хочу сюди!


44 роки, стрілець, познайомиться з хлопцем у віці 40-54 років

Замітки з міткою «пишу_по_английски»


Пробы пера Ляли Теччер. You had work, work, work, hard work. Now I think you must to rest. It's will be very interesting. Let's come with me on Everest. It's really funn, but not a joke. Let's come with me. Forget above your hardest work. I don't know English. But I try to write a song. Please to forgive me, If I said something wrong. P.S. Посмеялась. Первый раз Google предложил мне перевести саму себя. P.P.S. Когда найдете ошибки во временах, маякните. Исправлю текст.