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44 роки, стрілець, познайомиться з хлопцем у віці 35-50 років

Замітки з міткою «деловые предложения»

Business partner search. Сommercial proposals.


Investment objects. MegaprojectsCompetitive selection of a business partners. Reserve the right to refuse a potential business partner before the date of the contract conclusion without giving any reason.

            I am looking for business partners who have a material resources to carry out large-scale megaprojects in the following areas (preferably with the one business partner for all projects):

            - Development and application of a building materials with a multiple use and an increased durability, green building technologies, building of a houses with autonomous energy supply and with a longer lifetime of a buildings;

            - potentially perspectively large the scope of a work for a builders of a gas pipelines, for a builders of a petroleum pipelines, for an equipment manufacturers for an extraction and transportation of a fuel;

            - potentially perspectively large the scope of a work for a engineering industry, for a chemical industry, for a shipbuilding and for a repair of ships, for a construction industry, for a manufacturers of transport, for a refiners of a fuel (gas and petroleum, etc.);

            - the eco-friendly water systems at a micro level and at a macro level with perspectively large the scope of a work;          
a building of a roads and a railways with autonomous power supply, stand-alone lighting of a roads and a streets without buying of the electric energy from third parties;

            - the utilization and recycling (reusing) of waste (garbage, trash) with the application of new cost-effective technologies;

            - the typical schemes of permanent low-cost water supply in high-volume of a regions with a deficit or with a lack of the water;

            - a climate change over large areas without an environmentally harmful effects, the water supply in the deserts in large volumes, changes of the soil (the ground) to suitable for
agriculture for Near East, Middle East and Northern Africa (the Southwestern Asia, Central Asia and North Africa);

            - the industrial agriculture without the soil (the ground) with autonomous energy sources (deserts, metropolises, etc.). The cost-effective technologies;

            - the methods to save the large bodies of a water (the Aral Sea, Caspian Sea,Dead Sea, etc.) from the drying;

            - the schemes to increase the humidity of a climate over a large areas in a long periods of a time;

            - the methods to prevent a tornadoes, hurricanes, storms;

            - the technologies for obtaining of the low-cost electricity and the fuels in large volumes;

            - the technologies of inexpensive solar cells manufacturing without a  industrial premises;        
            - the inculcation to use of new fuels, including the methods of extraction of a gas hydrates (despite their precarious condition at the time of extraction) on an industrial scale using cost-effective technologies;

            - the industrial use of the unowned field (unowned deposit) of a fuel in Europe and analogous the unowned fields (unowned deposits) of a fuel in other regions. Measured reserves of fuel just of one field of a fuel (deposit of a fuel) - for use minimum during 5.000 years by European country of medium size for industrial and domestic needs, as well as
fuel for a transport. New technologies field development and refining, increase of the economic effect;     

            - technologies resource management, methods to reduce the operating expenses for large enterprises (institutions), the implementation of best management systems;

            - the methods to establish the monopoly in the a separate branch of industries and not only;

            - the methods to increase of electricity generation in the existing hydroelectric power stations as minimum threefold without a big investments. A simple technologies;    

         the schemes of new hydroelectric power stations of an increased generation of the electrical power (electricity) without compromising of the ecosystems;

            - new typical schemes in the energy sector, the
methods to reduce losses in the transmission of electrical energy to consumers;

            - manufacture and sale of transports class "land-water-air" (all sizes) based on the new cost-effective technologies, the modernization of a vehicles (transports);

            1. increasing speed of a surface ships and a submarines while reducing fuel consumption;
2. increasing of the ships stability from overturning, etc...

            Feature of the technology is the use of minimal material resources for the projects implementation.           

            Technologies are protected against unauthorized access.

            All ingenious is simple!