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42 роки, терези, познайомиться з хлопцем у віці 39-48 років

Замітки з міткою «progressive»

Концерт:01.07-40 днів з дня трагічної загибелі Єгора Головачова.

01.07.2010 -  40 днів з дня трагічної загибелі видатного львівського музиканта Єгора Головачова. 
Концерт пам*яті Єгора     відбудеться   ...
...ВЖЕ відбувсяу Львові, у клубі "Старушка" - вул.Залізнична ,1А.   O 18:00. 
Окрема подяка: аудіо/відео майстру Юрію Коту.
Це завдяки йому власне, відбувся концерт пам'яті Єґора 
та з'явився знаковий альбом: "Цитадель". 
У 1999 році. У підвалі Палацу культури ім. Ґната Хоткевича. 

Музика - Рок Опис: Концерт памяті Єгора Головачова — клавішника таких гуртів, як «Inward Path», 
«Королівські Зайці», «Rock-Feller$», «Kadilak». 
Дійство буде дуже різноплановим , від рок-н-ролу до думу, це повязано з тим, що у концерті візьмуть участь колективи, у яких працював Гоша та колеги по сцені. Головною новиною буде те, що за останні 10 років єдиний раз збереться гурт «Inward Path» — колектив, у якому в 90-х працював Гоша . Команди : Apostate Disarm Black Jack Іnward Path Rock-Feller$ Kadilak + Леся Герасимчук Melnik/Miloslavskiy/Matviycuk/Bilozor/Brinskih

Вхід:20грн. Кошти, зібрані під час концерту ,будуть передані сім'ї Єгора Головачова.



INWARD PATH: Представник України у всесвітній Гібралтарській  прогресів-рок Енциклопедії (www.gepr.net)

Львівський прогрессів-рок колектив(існував до 2000 року).

Представник України у всесвітній Гібралтарській прогресів-рок Енциклопедії -: http://www.gepr.net/i.html#INWARDPATH відео - тут: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkdUfK_1mzs&feature=channel_page www.inwardpath.tripod.com Уривок з сайту енциклопедії: Inward Path [Ukraine] Updated 3/15/02

Golodomоr (94, Cassette) Antiar (96, Cassette) Labyrinth (98, Cassette,CD) Citadel (2000б CD)
Inward Path - Top Left: Pavel Korsun (bass), Middle: Grigory Velchev (drums), Top Right: Yegor Golovachev (keyboards), Bottom Left: Alexander Melnik (vocals), Bottom Right: Vitaly Yatsuck (guitars)

Inward Path is a progressive metal band from the Ukraine. I've only heard Citadel, their sole CD release, though this also has 3 bonus tracks on it from Labyrinth.

You'll probably get some idea of what this band is like by the fact that all but one of their releases includes a cover song from bands they obviously admire. These covers are by O. Osborne, Black Sabbath, and on Citadel, "Sacred Serenity" by Death. As they say, you're known by the company you keep, and these guys are every bit as heavy and metallic as the bands they cover.

Vocalist Alexander Melnik sings in English, though I must say I have a tough time hearing the lyrics. What I can hear displays little Russian accent, though what there is simply makes it sound more cynically resolute. A Russian accent isn't bad for death metal. Too bad you can't hear the lyrics better, because they are really well written (in a depressing sort of way). Fortunately, the band has posted these on their web site, and they're worth reading.

Ah, but this isn't just plain vanilla death metal (if there is such a thing). There is some good composition and musicianship to be heard here among the riffing guitars, eccentric bass lines and high-speed solos. And actual keyboards you can hear, too! The keyboardist seems to like a kind of raspy harpsichord kind of sound, which has its own variety of metallic sizzle that cuts through the guitars and goes well with the music. This album is well done and should appeal to fans of this variety of prog metal. You won't find Citadel in general distribution, but you can order it from the Inward Path web site (see link below). Rumor has it that Inward Path have recently disbanded, but enough attention from the west (and a distribution channel to the west for their music) might convince them to make some more of this music, so order your CD now and let the band know if you like them! -- Fred Trafton

Iced Earth [USA] Updated 8/19/06
Iced Earth (91) Night of the Stormrider (92) Burnt Offerings (95) The Dark Saga (96) Something Wicked This Way Comes (98) Alive in Athens (99, Live) Horror Show (01) Tribute to the Gods (02, Album of cover tunes with songs by Kiss, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper and Blue yster Cult) Days of Purgatory (03, 2CD, Re-recordings of earlier albums and previously unreleased material) The Glorious Burden (04, Available as single CD or double CD "deluxe" version. US and European releases have slightly different song lists.) The Blessed and the Damned (04, 2CD, Compilation)
Iced Earth (The Glorious Burden Line-up, not in photo order) - Tim "Ripper" Owens (vocals), Richard Christy (drums), James Macdonough (bass), Jon Schaffer (guitar), Roger Stevens (guitar?)

Those of you who have read many of my GEPR entries will know that prog-metal isn't one of my favorite prog genres, in general. Still, when I run across a band I've read about in other prog web sites that I know nothing about, has a cool album cover and costs only $3.98 at Half-Price Books, I'm likely to take a chance. Such was the case with Iced Earth's Something Wicked This Way Comes. While not my favorite album of the prog-metal genre by any means, I can't say it was a mistake to pick it up, under the circumstances.

My first impression of the album wasn't that great. The songs alternated bewtween two styles. The odd-numbered songs featured shredding speedy power metal guitars, machine gun drums and a vocalist who sounded like what Geddy Lee might have sounded like in the early days if he was on amphetemines and removed the tight rubber band from his testicles (i.e. this guy screams more in the tenor range than the soprano). The even numbered songs are mellower and remind me frequently of Dream Theater's A Change of Seasons, an album which I like quite a lot. But the lyrical content is very sad and downbeat, which I can no longer tolerate for the length of a whole album. I used to enjoy this sort of thing when I was younger, but now ...

So, for the first part of the album, I had about decided that Iced Earth was an OK power metal band, but I couldn't really see what this had to do with prog. But then came the "Something Wicked This Way Comes" trilogy, three lengthy songs that fill about the last third of the album. This is a really excellent prog-metal mini-concept album in itself. Sorta like Rush's 2112, a "side-long" concept piece from the old says. Now it's clear why these guys are considered to cross the boundaries between plain "power metal" and "prog-metal". This piece doesn't have the same feel throughout the song, instead switching at a moment's notice from mellow chording to two measures of shred and back to mellow again, and changing from melodic vocals to screaming anguish just as quickly. Of course, the "concept" is a time-honored prog tradition, and the story line here, while perhaps not the most original thing in the world, is sort of cool, and it's easy to get hooked into the story and enjoy it.

So, a mixed review. Most of the album I could do without. But the "Something Wicked This Way Comes" trilogy alone made the album well worth the money I payed for it, so overall I feel better educated and found an album I can enjoy at least a significant portion of. Even among other albums I would have to categorize as "more prog", I can't always say that. I'd pick up another album from these guys, and I can't always say that either. Not a bad review from someone who isn't much of a prog-metal fan.

One last thing ... Iced Earth has said on their web site that their next release(s) will be a 2CD concept album of "Something Wicked This Way Comes". They're evidently planning on writing the entire thing, then recording it in two sections with release on two separate CD's about six months apart. At least that's the plan for now. I could like this. I'll be waiting for it. -- Fred Trafton

Click here for Iced Earth's web site http://youtu.be/XOZhorWtOR8

Sunday in Bed, или Томный воскресный вечер...

Downtempo и Chill-House, Lounge,Hip hop и Urban pop, Rap  и Deep'n'Sexy. Совсем свежая и,  "проверенная временем" , модная и "не очень", но неизменно спокойная, красивая, лирическая и, конечно же, мелодическая музыка для воскресного вечера! 

Для прослушивания треков/просмотра VIDEO жмите на картинки, для бесплатного скачивания - на названия...

Cafe Del Mar Saturdays = Youth [+Digital Booklet] 

xx Reboot 

The Midnight Eclipse EP Power Of Flower 

10 [Bonus Track]  Parachute 

Nine Objects Of Desire Sous L'Oeil De L'Ange 

01. Calar Del Sole - Cafe Del Mar (Lounge Remake).mp3 04:35 (10.5 Mb)

02. M83 - Skin Of The Night (Of Porcelain Remix).mp3 04:16 (9.79 Mb)

03. The xx - Crystalized (The Neon Lights Remix).mp3 03:54 (7.56 Mb)

04. Blue Pilots Project - Gods Gift.mp3 4:07 (9.49 Mb)

05. Charlie May - Midnight (Original Mix).mp3 05:21 (12.51 Mb)

06. Antennasia - Sofa.mp3 04:26 (10.2 Mb)

07. Cheryl Cole - Parachute.mp3 03:40 (8.41 Mb)

08. The Rapsody feat. LL Cool J - Dear Mallika.mp3 4:08 (9.46 Mb)

10. Suzanne Vega - Caramel.mp3  2:54 (6.66 Mb)

11. K.Maro - Sous L'oeil De L'ange.mp3 4:32 (10.4 Mb)  


Yulara - Tribute to Allah.mp3 7:08 (16.3 Mb) 


Все треки в качестве 320kbps / 44.1, kHz / Stereo

Скачать бесплатно одним файломDownload One File


Sunday in Bed, или Томный воскресный вечер...

Downtempo и Chill-House, Lounge,Hip hop и Urban pop, Rap  и Deep'n'Sexy. Совсем свежая и,  "проверенная временем" , модная и "не очень", но неизменно спокойная, красивая, лирическая и, конечно же, мелодическая музыка для воскресного вечера! 

Для прослушивания треков/просмотра VIDEO жмите на картинки, для бесплатного скачивания - на названия...

Cafe Del Mar Saturdays = Youth [+Digital Booklet] 

xx Reboot 

The Midnight Eclipse EP Power Of Flower 

10 [Bonus Track]  Parachute 

Nine Objects Of Desire Sous L'Oeil De L'Ange 

01. Calar Del Sole - Cafe Del Mar (Lounge Remake).mp3 04:35 (10.5 Mb)

02. M83 - Skin Of The Night (Of Porcelain Remix).mp3 04:16 (9.79 Mb)

03. The xx - Crystalized (The Neon Lights Remix).mp3 03:54 (7.56 Mb)

04. Blue Pilots Project - Gods Gift.mp3 4:07 (9.49 Mb)

05. Charlie May - Midnight (Original Mix).mp3 05:21 (12.51 Mb)

06. Antennasia - Sofa.mp3 04:26 (10.2 Mb)

07. Cheryl Cole - Parachute.mp3 03:40 (8.41 Mb)

08. The Rapsody feat. LL Cool J - Dear Mallika.mp3 4:08 (9.46 Mb)

10. Suzanne Vega - Caramel.mp3  2:54 (6.66 Mb)

11. K.Maro - Sous L'oeil De L'ange.mp3 4:32 (10.4 Mb)  


Yulara - Tribute to Allah.mp3 7:08 (16.3 Mb) 


Все треки в качестве 320kbps / 44.1, kHz / Stereo

Скачать бесплатно одним файломDownload One File


#1 в "Top 100 - New Releases" на DJDownload.com

4 октября 2010 парочка не самых известных DJ - Chris Lake (последнее время активно сотрудничает с Deadmau5) и Marco Lys (любимчик на Radio Luna в Италии) выпустили синглом на лейбле Rising Music свой окончательный вариант "Cross The Line". C их предыдущих работ, кстати, больше всего запомнился хит годичной лавности - "La Tromba".

Вроде бы и ничего особенного, но сейчас по скачиваниям Cross The Line - Main Club Mix  #1 в "Top 100 - New Releases" на  и  #1 в "Top 100 House / Electro Tracks" на, не менее авторитетном,

 Надеюсь, что этот сингл понравится не только Axwell, Armin van Buuren, Moguai и Sander van Doorn, поддерживающим его на

Artist Chris Lake and Marco Lys
Label Rising Music
Genre House / Electro (Funky, Progressive, Tech)
Released Monday, October 4, 2010
Length 14:59
Catalogue No RIM031


Cсылки на бесплатную скачку в .mp3 качестве:

1. Cross The Line - Main Club Mix.mp3 (7:37)  17.4Mb 


Оба трека в качестве 320kbps / 44,1 kHz / Stereo


Sunday in Bed, или Томный воскресный вечер...

Downtempo и Chill-House, Lounge,Hip hop и Urban pop, Rap  и Deep'n'Sexy. Совсем свежая и,  "проверенная временем" , модная и "не очень", но неизменно спокойная, красивая, лирическая и, конечно же, мелодическая музыка для воскресного вечера! 

Для прослушивания треков/просмотра VIDEO жмите на картинки, для бесплатного скачивания - на названия...

Cafe Del Mar Saturdays = Youth [+Digital Booklet] 

xx Reboot 

The Midnight Eclipse EP Power Of Flower 

10 [Bonus Track]  Parachute 

Nine Objects Of Desire Sous L'Oeil De L'Ange 

01. Calar Del Sole - Cafe Del Mar (Lounge Remake).mp3 04:35 (10.5 Mb)

02. M83 - Skin Of The Night (Of Porcelain Remix).mp3 04:16 (9.79 Mb)

03. The xx - Crystalized (The Neon Lights Remix).mp3 03:54 (7.56 Mb)

04. Blue Pilots Project - Gods Gift.mp3 4:07 (9.49 Mb)

05. Charlie May - Midnight (Original Mix).mp3 05:21 (12.51 Mb)

06. Antennasia - Sofa.mp3 04:26 (10.2 Mb)

07. Cheryl Cole - Parachute.mp3 03:40 (8.41 Mb)

08. The Rapsody feat. LL Cool J - Dear Mallika.mp3 4:08 (9.46 Mb)

10. Suzanne Vega - Caramel.mp3  2:54 (6.66 Mb)

11. K.Maro - Sous L'oeil De L'ange.mp3 4:32 (10.4 Mb)  


Yulara - Tribute to Allah.mp3 7:08 (16.3 Mb) 


Все треки в качестве 320kbps / 44.1, kHz / Stereo

Скачать бесплатно одним файломDownload One File


Sunday in Bed, или Томный воскресный вечер...

Downtempo и Chill-House, Lounge,Hip hop и Urban pop, Rap  и Deep'n'Sexy. Совсем свежая и,  "проверенная временем" , модная и "не очень", но неизменно спокойная, красивая, лирическая и, конечно же, мелодическая музыка для воскресного вечера! 

Для прослушивания треков/просмотра VIDEO жмите на картинки, для бесплатного скачивания - на названия...

Cafe Del Mar Saturdays = Youth [+Digital Booklet] 

xx Reboot 

The Midnight Eclipse EP Power Of Flower 

10 [Bonus Track]  Parachute 

Nine Objects Of Desire Sous L'Oeil De L'Ange 

01. Calar Del Sole - Cafe Del Mar (Lounge Remake).mp3 04:35 (10.5 Mb)

02. M83 - Skin Of The Night (Of Porcelain Remix).mp3 04:16 (9.79 Mb)

03. The xx - Crystalized (The Neon Lights Remix).mp3 03:54 (7.56 Mb)

04. Blue Pilots Project - Gods Gift.mp3 4:07 (9.49 Mb)

05. Charlie May - Midnight (Original Mix).mp3 05:21 (12.51 Mb)

06. Antennasia - Sofa.mp3 04:26 (10.2 Mb)

07. Cheryl Cole - Parachute.mp3 03:40 (8.41 Mb)

08. The Rapsody feat. LL Cool J - Dear Mallika.mp3 4:08 (9.46 Mb)

10. Suzanne Vega - Caramel.mp3  2:54 (6.66 Mb)

11. K.Maro - Sous L'oeil De L'ange.mp3 4:32 (10.4 Mb)  


Yulara - Tribute to Allah.mp3 7:08 (16.3 Mb) 


Все треки в качестве 320kbps / 44.1, kHz / Stereo

Скачать бесплатно одним файломDownload One File


#1 в "Top 100 - New Releases" на DJDownload.com

4 октября 2010 парочка не самых известных DJ - Chris Lake (последнее время активно сотрудничает с Deadmau5) и Marco Lys (любимчик на Radio Luna в Италии) выпустили синглом на лейбле Rising Music свой окончательный вариант "Cross The Line". C их предыдущих работ, кстати, больше всего запомнился хит годичной лавности - "La Tromba".

Вроде бы и ничего особенного, но сейчас по скачиваниям Cross The Line - Main Club Mix  #1 в "Top 100 - New Releases" на  и  #1 в "Top 100 House / Electro Tracks" на, не менее авторитетном, -

 Надеюсь, что этот сингл понравится не только Axwell, Armin van Buuren, Moguai и Sander van Doorn, поддерживающим его на

Artist Chris Lake and Marco Lys
Label Rising Music
Genre House / Electro (Funky, Progressive, Tech)
Released Monday, October 4, 2010
Length 14:59
Catalogue No RIM031

 Cсылки на бесплатную скачку в .mp3 качестве:

1. Cross The Line - Main Club Mix.mp3 (7:37)  17.4Mb 


Оба трека в качестве 320kbps / 44,1 kHz / Stereo


#1 в "Top 100 - New Releases" на DJDownload.com

4 октября 2010 парочка не самых известных DJ - Chris Lake (последнее время активно сотрудничает с Deadmau5) и Marco Lys (любимчик на Radio Luna в Италии) выпустили синглом на лейбле Rising Music свой окончательный вариант "Cross The Line". C их предыдущих работ, кстати, больше всего запомнился хит годичной лавности - "La Tromba".

Вроде бы и ничего особенного, но сейчас по скачиваниям Cross The Line - Main Club Mix  #1 в "Top 100 - New Releases" на  и  #1 в "Top 100 House / Electro Tracks" на, не менее авторитетном, -

 Надеюсь, что этот сингл понравится не только Axwell, Armin van Buuren, Moguai и Sander van Doorn, поддерживающим его на

Artist Chris Lake and Marco Lys
Label Rising Music
Genre House / Electro (Funky, Progressive, Tech)
Released Monday, October 4, 2010
Length 14:59
Catalogue No RIM031

 Cсылки на бесплатную скачку в .mp3 качестве:

1. Cross The Line - Main Club Mix.mp3 (7:37)  17.4Mb 


Оба трека в качестве 320kbps / 44,1 kHz / Stereo


Dj Plate - Technicolor, Promomix

Dj Plate - Technicolor cover
date: 21-03-2008
bitrate: 256 kbps
lenght: 62:54 min
style: electrohouse/progressive

1. The Potbelleez - Don't Hold Back (Out Of Office Remix)
2. Rico Bernasconi - Precious Little Diamond (Pompero Vs Forseco Remix)
3. Delacy - Hideaway (Cedric Gervais Vocal Remix)
4. Hardwell feat. I-Fan - Feel so High (Extended Mix)
5. Lenny meets Annie - Believe In Me (Wood Moog Mix)
6. D. Ramirez feat. TC - With Me Or Against Me (Club Mix)
7. 187 Lockdown - Gunman (Chris James remix)
8. Kolombo - Cut Splach (Original Mix)
9. Tony Arzadon - Secrets
10. Masi & Mello feat. Megatop - Technicolor (Jose Velez & Joseph Indelicato Mix)

Download Mix >>