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Heaven Shall Burn - Endzeit

Продолжаем знакомится с составом ProRock 2009 Open Air Festival

Heaven Shall Burn

Германская melodic deathcore группа, очень интересная. Они сочетают агрессивную метал-музыку с лирикой, в которой поддерживают антифашизм и антиглобалистские идеи. Четыре из пяти музыкантов — веганы.


Nothing, just nothing, nothing will wipe this heart out And no one, just no one, no one will break this frontline We are, we are, we are the final ones We are, we are the, we are the final resistance We're fighting to the last Driven by your hate evoked in us No one will surrender A storm will break the silence This storm will break the silence Nothing, just nothing, nothing will wipe this heart out We are, we are the, we are the final resistance This vengeance is justice and justice will be done Your end is our triumph and the day will come A reign of terror, a life of horror, nothing will remain A promise to the fallen we make them feel our pain A promise to the felons, you'll never rise again We'll take it back, we'll take it all back We'll take it back, we'll take it all back This vengeance is justice and justice will be done Your end is our triumph and the day will come A promise to the fallen we make them feel our pain A promise to the felons, you'll never rise again Nothing, just nothing, nothing will wipe this hear out And no one, just no one, no one will break this frontline We are, we are, we are the final ones We are, we are the, we are the final resistance



114.06.09, 22:58

    214.06.09, 23:21


      315.06.09, 12:17Відповідь на 1 від SkerorAsakura

      Самое оно

        415.06.09, 12:33Відповідь на 3 від Shinigami

          Гість: Tsubai_Gaishi

          515.06.09, 18:26

          кинь на мылко [email protected]