хочу сюди!


42 роки, терези, познайомиться з хлопцем у віці 39-48 років

Самые страшные серийные убийцы в 20 веке

  • 17.08.17, 15:40

итого 262 million

262 million civilians killed by their own governments in the 20th century; i.e. these figures exclude war deaths. A quarter of a billion people murdered by their own governments. Another 160 million people died in 20th century wars between governments. That totals nearly half a billion people killed by nation states. Governments are also, by far, the greatest environmental polluters. But you're supposed to be afraid of a few cousin-****ing morons with flags and confederate statues, or starving peasants without electricity on the far side of the world, or the evil corporations who build all the things that prevent you from living in abject poverty, and clamor for government to protect you from them. The world is *literally insane*. Sigh.

Таке что дальше и дальшне верьте в государство которое защитит.
И вправду как можно считать нормальными людей что думаю что существует "бесплатная" медицина и образование...
