
49 , , 42-53

Pizza pan 10 minutes

  • 22.06.16, 16:06
Pizza pan 10 minutes
4 tablespoons sour cream;
4 tablespoons mayonnaise;
2 eggs;
9 tablespoons flour (no slides);
1. Liquid dough out as sour cream, pour it into the pan anointed with oil and have top put any toppings (tomato, sausage, pickles, olives, tomatoes, etc.).
2. Pour mayonnaise on top and a thick layer of cheese. We recommend a thick layer of cheese.
3. Put the pan on the stove, just a few minutes, a great fire do not
4. frying pan cover lid immediately once the cheese is slightly melted
5. Pizza Ready

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123.06.16, 06:46

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    230.06.16, 12:42