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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the grant for Ghana.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the grant for Ghana. Water, energy sources, industry,agriculture,food,public utilities.Hydropower project.Modernization projects.

The idea is good. Environmental component of the above project is also interesting. But I have no information that in the project resolved the issue of biochemical purification of impurities, the method of collection and delivery for processing and use of treated waste also and for agriculture. 

A good project manager must be able to organize work of a narrow professionals what rarely have a systemic thinking.

The economy of Ghana could be one of the fastest growing economies in 2012. But I have no information that in the project resolved the issue of biochemical purification of impurities, the method of collection and delivery for processing and use a treated waste also and for agriculture.

But you can use the investment money to better advantage.

And this project is.

So: the sum of $ 1.5 million.

Having calculated the efficiency of the proposed in article of the commented source for getting energy, in the same Ghana is more profitable opportunities to provide the country a source of fuel that can be used for industry, public utilities and transport.

The estimated amount for implementation of the project: less than 10 times than Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-sponsored project only for research.

The resulting ecologically clean energy source: fully meets the needs of industry, agriculture + export to neighboring countries in the region.

Profit: in connection with cheaper energy costs and increase the amount of electricity multiplied profits from its exports to countries of the region by increasing spending on domestic needs of the country at times.

Project implementation period: 3 months to get the energy to fully meet the needs of the country and about a year - to build the infrastructure for the transport of electricity (in a country such infrastructure is inadequate). Up to 2 years for refusing to import oil products that are imported into the country, and the transition to domestic energy source for transportation with the necessary infrastructure. This energy source can be used in agriculture.

The difficulties of the project:

1. Severe weather conditions. Ghana is located in the tropics, where there is a constant alternation of rainy and dry seasons. The climate is equatorial monsoon, in the south-west - to the equatorial transition. From the climatic point of view of Ghana is divided into north and south. There are two main seasons in Ghana: the wet and the dry seasons. Northern Ghana experiences its rainy season from March to November while the south, including the capital Accra, experiences the season from April to mid-November. In the south wet climate, with a rugged evergreen tropical forests, arid in the north district, savannah and bush. In November and February is blowing "harmattan" - dry, dusty wind from the north, but in coastal areas, its effect is almost not there. In the rainy season, south-west of the country is a zone with the highest rainfall (over 2000 mm per year).

2. Lack of properly trained and educated workforce that can prolong the the duration of the project. 

3. ommunication difficulties: knowledge of Russian language - in rare cases.

4. The need to create a simple engineering construction on a simple drawing. Agriculture's share exceeds the share of industry in the economy of Ghana. Thus, simple engineering construction can be imported, if it can not make on the spot. There is no complexity, it can make even semi-literate turner with skilful engineer.

The project implementation is related to dams on the River Bia, hydroelectric power station (also referred to as the Akosombo Hydroelectric Project, the Akosombo Dam) - is a hydroelectric dam on the Volta River in southeastern Ghana in the Akosombo gorge and part of the Volta River Authority. There is a possible to implement even more advanced project - without the reconstruction of the existing hydroelectric dam according to drawing.

3039108_ (400x267, 486Kb) Ukrainian Scientists Worldwide. How to regulate climate. Agriculture in countries with a lack of energy and water. Our project in the shipbuilding industry increases the speed with a substantial reduction in fuel consumption has already built ships. Modernization projects of a ships, a automobiles (cars) and a aviation: speed + fuel economy. Hydropower project enables in manyfold increase by electricity production in existing hydroelectric power station. Cheap sources of energy for industry and utilities. Minimum investment.


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  2012 .



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  ,  -   - (. Akosombo Hydroelectric Project, Akosombo HEP).

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                        3039108_ (400x267, 486Kb)3039108_ (400x267, 486Kb) Ukrainian Scientists Worldwide. . . . - . , : + . .


ó: easypay-shop

113.07.12, 15:56

For William Henry Gates III (Bill Gates).

"DW: "




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    ó: easypay-shop

    213.07.12, 15:56

    . , Microsoft , . , , . - , , , , ?

      ó: easypay-shop

      313.07.12, 15:56

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      If the correct information on the Internet that Bill Gates is interested in how to recover from Parkinson's disease, he should refer to the authors of the scientific method from Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine of Stanford University School of Medicine.


