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How owning a sex doll can improve your life!

  • 04.06.24, 15:41
How many of you are on the fence when it comes to ordering a tpdoll love doll? I spent over a year before buying my first fantasy doll, but only after reading another article that talked about the wealth of benefits that ownership brings. I'll talk about some of these benefits in the next few posts.

Has it been a while since you've had a partner? Or maybe the last time you performed wasn't good enough for your personal expectations? Love dolls can help with this! Practicing and training with a love doll can help you overcome sexual anxiety and the insecurities that some people have. The realistic attributes that love dolls possess can help you develop the neural links related to sexual performance. It is true that being a better lover with your doll will transfer into the performance you give when interacting with a real partner. It may seem strange to think about, but your trust level is a by-product of your experience. As your experience grows, whether with a TPE love doll or a live person, so will your natural confidence in your performance.

Often, problems with performance in bed are caused by "overthinking". Spending time with a love doll helps you control your thoughts and do things at your own pace. You like making love. When you're with a love doll, you only think about yourself. Because you don't have to worry about your doll's emotions or reactions to your performance. Taking this time to focus on yourself will make you a better lover in the long run. You've heard it before, but it's true: you can't love someone else until you love yourself. This also applies in the bedroom: you can't please someone else until you know how to please yourself. So practice and regain your confidence!