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45 ðîê³â, êîçîð³ã, ïîçíàéîìèòüñÿ ç õëîïöåì ó â³ö³ 36-45 ðîê³â

Çàì³òêè ç ì³òêîþ «norther»

Norther - Frozen Angel

Âîò åù¸ îäíà ãðóïïà, èãðàþùàÿ ìîé ëþáèìûé ìåëîäýò podmig Ïðîøó ëþáèòü è æàëîâàòü.


Frozen Angel

We were together as one  All that we had can’t be undone  Our love fading, now it’s gone  We die thinking so it’s goooone  Now death invites us  Raises above and binds us  Awww ... till death unites us  Alone we die, my frozen Angel  Alone we fade away, from this world  Alone you die, my frozen Angel  Alone you fade away, from – this – worrrrld!  We were together as one,  All that we had can’T be undone  Our love fading, the feeling is gone  One time thinking Now it’s doooone  Alone we die, my frozen angel  Alone we fade away, from this world  Alone you die, my frozen Angel  Alone you fade away, from this world  Solos...  Alone we die my frozen angel  Alone we fade away, from this world  Alone you die, my frozen angel  Alone you fade away, from this world Nothing to do, nothing to say  fade away  My aaaangeeeeel