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Цікаве спостереження - погляд ззовні на протести..

Цікавий погляд ззовні на пртести в авторитарних та тоталітарних країнах на прикладі Республіки Білорусь 2020 року. Взято з Facebook.  Або про  рівень європейського розуміння того, що відбувається в РФ та Білорусі.

Влітку 2023 року литовське видання Delfi публікує документальний фільм, у якому показує учасників протестів у Білорусі влітку 2020 року, коли громадяни вийшли на вуличні протести, після того, як Олександр-3%-Лукашенко нахабно фальсифікував вибори, і були за це, буквально, забиті кийками, а багато хто навіть вбитий пострілами в потилицю. І це свідомо знаючи про масовий лукашенківський терор у країні, свідомо знаючи про тортури і вбивства навіть не те що опозиціонерів, а тих, що просто мають незадоволене обличчя, знаючи про Окрестино і все інше.
Чому не були розмиті (заблюрені) особи протестувальників у кадрі? Ні, зовсім не через злість, і не на замовлення КДБ РБ чи ФСБ РФ. Справа в тому, що справжні європейці просто не думають про можливість арештів і вбивств на підставі показу документального фільму, свого сюжету в новинах або опитування перехожих на вулицях Москви. Це за межами їхнього всесвіту, і навіть особистий/сімейний досвід життя у СРСР (а Delfi базується на країни Балтії) не стукнув у потилицю, ні. Нічого не змінилося з тих часів, коли  англійка, яка дізналася про сталінські репресії, щиро дивувалася тому, що жертви незаконних арештів не викликали поліцію. Рівень розуміння який був, такий і лишився.
Чисті ясні очі та абсолютна відсутність думок про долю героїв своїх фільмів та репортажів. «Ми люди, а вони — так», ага. Для авторів цих сюжетів ті, хто до кадру, — просто м'ясо, сировина, з якої вони роблять свою котлетку. Що там буде з м'ясом не дуже важливо, важливо, щоб покупцям сподобалася котлетка.

P.S. І це теж про безпеку. Спілкуючись з європейцями завжди варто пам'ятати, що вони зіллють вас катам-поліцаям навіть не зі зла, і навіть не з байдужості (вони можуть бути цілком щирими вашими особистими друзями), а так просто не замислюючись про наслідки своєї балаканини. «Потрібно було просто викликати поліцію»….

HSoft Key

Пользуясь HSoft KeYs Вам не нужно будет тратить много времени на поиски нужных ключей для антивируса или другой программы. Программа имеет русскоязычный интуитивно понятный и простой в использовании интерфейс. Поддерживает: - avast! - Avira - Cracks - Dr. Web - ESET NOD32/Smart Security - Kaspersky Internet Security/Antivirus - KeyGens - Norton - USB - Русификаторы - Любой другой антивирус Скачать программу

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Hitman Pro

Антивирусный сканер Hitman Pro предназначен для выявления и удаления различных шпионских и вредоносных программ с Вашего компьютера. Особенность сканера в том, что он использует базы сигнатур самых известных программ: Ad-Aware SE Personal, Spy Sweeper, Spybot Search & Destroy, CWShredder, SpywareBlaste, Spyware Block List, Sysclean Package, SuperDAT VirusScan. Сканер автоматически проверит наличие обновлений по всех базах и комплексно просканирует систему на предмет наличия шпионского ПО. Сканер не требует инсталляции и может работать с любого съемного носителя. Кроме всех возможностей присущих антивирусным сканерам подобного класса Hitman Pro имеет следующие отличительные особенности * Режимы работы: 1. Стандартный поиск; 2. Быстрый поиск; 3. Система раннего реагирования (обнаружение следов заражения системы). * Использование технологии Поведенческого сканирования - SurfRight сделал обширные исследования вредоносных файлов, чтобы определить общие характеристики (поведение) вредоносных программ. Сканер Hitman Pro использует эти исследования, когда он сканирует компьютер на наличие вирусов. * Подробная информация по каждому подозрительному файлу. * Поддержка ежедневного поиска инфекций во время запуска системы. * Короткое время сканирования - всего нескольких минут. * Поддержка автоматической загрузки подозрительных файлов для сканирования их в системе – Scan Cloud. Scan Cloud представляет собой кластер из нескольких компьютеров, постоянно работающих в сети Интернет. Невозможность ложных срабатываний на важные системные файлы, благодаря профилированию и белому списку. * Автоматическое создание точки отката перед очисткой системы от инфекций. Скачать программу

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IObit Malware Fighter 1.1 Portable

Антивирусный сканер IObit Malware Fighter предназначен для удаления вредоносных программ с вашего компьютера. Сканер позволяет обнаружить, удалить и заблокировать нежелательные приложения. Продвинутый алгоритм поиска вредоносных программ (malware) и программ-шпионов (Spyware) обнаруживает и удаляет самые глубокие инфекции, защищая компьютер от различных угроз. Кроме всех возможностей характерных для сканеров данного класса IObit Malware Fighter имеет следующие отличительные особенности: * Уникальный "Dual-Core" движок, использование технологии на уровне драйвера и эвристическое обнаружение позволяет обнаруживать самые глубокие инфекции. * Три режима сканирования (Умное сканирование, Полное сканирование, Выборочное сканирование). * Поддержка защиты в реальном времени: 1. Процессов автозагрузки; 2. Текущих системных процессов; 3. Сети (от WEB страниц которые содержат потоки); 4. Запускаемых файлов; 5. Cookie; 6. Браузера; 7. Сменных носителей, подключаемых к USB-портам; 8. От проявления вредоносной активности. * Поддержка безопасности путем сканирования на основе облачных технологий. Полное название: IObit Malware Fighter 1.1 Portable Год выпуска: 2011 Оф.сайт: http://iobit.com Язык интерфейса: Английский Платформа: Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Windows 7




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Error Repair Pro 4.2.3 Portable

Cлужит для того, чтобы содержать Ваш PC в оптимально работающем состоянии. Error Repair Pro очистит и восстановит ошибки в Вашем PC единственным щелчком мыши. Всего несколько несколькими легких шагами, Вы сможете просмотреть весь реестр. Удалит, и исправит ошибки для любых неправильных записей и обеспечит вывод списка найденных ошибок. Так же Вы можете выборочно (вручную) исправлять любую ошибку или автоматически восстанавливать после сбоя в работе. Keep your PC operating smoothly by using Error Repair Professional to scan, identify, clean and repair errors in your PC with a single click. With a few easy steps, it will scan your entire registry for any invalid entries and provides a list of the registry errors found. You can then choose to selectively clean each item or automatically repair them all. "95% of All PCs Have Hidden Errors on Them! Let Us Scan Your PC and Discover How Many Errors Are Lurking Inside It..." "Eliminate Them Instantly and Have The Peace Of Mind Knowing Your PC is Automatically Kept Error Free, 24 Hours A Day!" Информация о программе: Язык интерфейса: английский Год выхода: 2010 Размер (RAR): 2.27 Мб 

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Sophos Anti-Rootkit 1.5.4 Portable

Утилита для обнаружения и удаления из системы вредоносных скрытых объектов (Rootkit). Программа Sophos Anti-Rootkit имеет удобный графический интерфейс, показывающий информацию о спрятанных системных ресурсах, включая имена всех распознанных руткитов и требуемые действия. Cпособна обнаруживать и удалять известные и неизвестные активные руткиты. В отличие от других имеющихся программ, утилита Sophos Anti-Rootkit выдает пользователю предупреждение в случае, если удаление какого-либо конкретного руткита повлияет на производительность или целостность операционной системы зараженного компьютера. Руткиты классифицируются как вредоносный софт, который может вызвать сбои в работе операционной системы. Их используют хакеры для быстрого и беспрепятственного доступа к компьютеру жертвы. Sophos Anti-Rootkit scans, detects and removes any rootkit that is hidden on your computer using advanced rootkit detection technology. Rootkits can lie hidden on computers and remain undetected by anti-virus software. Although new rootkits can be prevented from infecting the system, if you had any rootkits before you installed your anti-virus, they may never be revealed. Removing rootkits without compromising system integrity is particularly challenging and needs to be done with care. Simplified management Using Sophos Anti-Rootkit is easy. Whether you use its simple graphical user interface or run it from the command line, you can easily detect and remove any rootkits on your computer. Easy to use Sophos Anti-Rootkit provides an extra layer of protection, by safely and reliably detecting and removing any rootkit that might already have hidden itself on your system. Stay free of rootkits As part of its complete protection of endpoint computers, Sophos Endpoint Security and Data Protection has an integrated detection functionality that removes and prevents them being installed onto your desktops, laptops and servers. Информация о программе: Язык интерфейса: английский Разработчик: sophos.com Год выхода: 2010 Размер (RAR): 1.2 Мб    Скачать программу

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Spyware Terminator ML Portable

Spyware Terminator - программа для защиты компьютера от различных вредных модулей - spyware, adware, кейлоггеров и других троянов. Имеет резидентный монитор, который в реальном времени проводит мониторинг системы и предотвращает попытки проникновения на компьютер вредоносного ПО. Кроме этого, имеющийся в программе сканер поможет отыскать и поместить в "карантин" или удалить уже внедренные объекты. Работает программа очень быстро... Spyware Terminator имеет опцию автоматического обновления своих баз через Интернет, а также умеет производить проверку по расписанию. Основные характеристики Spyware Terminator: - Быстрое и полное сканирование. Spyware Terminator проверяет все важны части системы компьютера (процессы, библиотеки, панели инструментов, регистр, меню старт...). Возможность выбора области сканирования. - Автоматизация сканирования. Пользователь может запланировать время начала сканирования. - Отчеты Spyware Terminator. По окончании сканирования, пользователь может просмотреть детальную информацию о состоянии системы. - Интеграция антивируса. Spyware Terminator позволяет пользователю интегрировать бесплатный антивирус ClamAV. При этом проверка на наличие вредных программ происходит одновременно со сканированием на наличие шпионских программ. Обновление базы данных антивируса ClamAV происходит одновременно с обновлением Spyware Terminator. - Эффективное удаление найденных угроз. Подозрительные файлы перемещаются в специальный карантин и могут, если это необходимо, быть восстановлены. - Защита в режиме реального времени гарантирует то, что шпионские программы могут быть обнаружены и удалены до того как они будут установлены. - Spyware Terminator HIPS. HIPS защищает ваш компьютер от запуска подозрительных утилит, которые могут просочиться через дыры в безопасности системы или программного обеспечения. - Возможность уничтожения блокированных файлов. Spyware Terminator позволяет удалять некоторые файлы, которые нельзя удалить обычным путем. - Обновление. Возможность обновления как в автоматическом режиме, так и по желанию пользователя. Компактные файлы обновлений - скачиваются только измененные файлы. Возможность обновления только базы данных Spyware Terminator.

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Nirsoft Package 1.06.05 Portable

NirLauncher Package - набор из более 100 утилит для восстановления паролей, настройки, диагностики и мониторинга ОС семейства Windows, включая контроль сети, просмотр и извлечение cookies, кэш, хранившую Вашим Web-браузером, а также многие другие утилиты собранные в единый архив и объединённых в удобную оболочку. Интегрированы утилиты от NirSoft и Sysinternals. Особенности: * Утилиты портативны и могут запускаться с любого носителя информации, без инсталляции. * Все утилиты в пакетах - полностью свободно распространяемое обеспечение, без любого Spyware/Adware/Malware. * Пакеты включают разнообразие инструментальных средств, для своего ежедневного компьютерного использования, включая утилиты просмотра потерянных паролей, контроль сети, просмотр и извлечение cookies, кэш, и другую информацию. * Для каждой утилиты, Вы можете легко рассмотреть файл справки, или перейти к Web-странице. * В зависимости от разрядности системы автоматически запускаются утилиты для x86 или x64 систем. Список входящих утилит в NirLauncher Package 1.06.05: AlternateStreamView 1.12 Find all hidden alternate streams stored in the file system. AppCrashView 1.05 Displays the details of all application crashes occurred in your system. Asterisk Logger 1.04 Reveals the passwords stored behind the asterisks ('***') boxes AdapterWatch 1.05 displays useful information about your network adapters. ActiveXHelper 1.12 view essential information about ActiveX components installed on your computer. BlueScreenView 1.26 Show information about blue screen crashes occurred in your system. BluetoothCL 1.05 Show bluetooth devices list BluetoothView 1.36 Monitors the activity of Bluetooth devices around you. BulkFileChanger 1.01 Change date/time/attributes of multiple files. ChromeCacheView 1.22 Chrome Browser Cache Viewer ChromePass 1.05 Password recovery tool for Google Chrome Web browser. CleanAfterMe 1.36 Clean files and Registry values in your system. Clipboardic 1.10 Small and simple clipboard manager. Content Advisor Password Remover 1.01 CurrPorts 1.81 Displays the list of all currently opened TCP/UDP ports on your computer. CurrProcess 1.13 Displays the list of all processes currently running on your system. CustomizeIE 1.01 Add/delete toolbar buttons and menu items in Internet Explorer. DeviceIOView 1.02 Watch the data transfer between a software or service and a device driver. DevManView 1.06 Alternative to the standard Device Manager of Windows. Dialupass 3.05 Recovers Dial-Up passwords in all versions of Windows. DiskCountersView 1.00 Show disk drive read/write counters. DiskSmartView 1.02 Retrieves S.M.A.R.T information from IDE/SATA disks. DLL Export Viewer 1.36 Lists DLL exported functions and their memory addresses - for debugging. DNSDataView 1.05 Retrieve the DNS records (MX, NS, A, SOA) of the specified domains. DotNetResourcesExtract Extract embedded resources from .NET applications. DownTester 1.20 Test your Internet download speed. DriverView 1.21 Displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded on your system. FastResolver 1.22 Resolves multiple host names into IP addresses/MAC Addresses and vice versa. FavoritesView 1.25 displays the list of all your Favorties/bookmarks in a single page. FileTypesMan 1.57 Alternative to the 'File Types' manager of Windows. FlashCookiesView 1.10 View Flash cookies stored in your computer. GDIView 1.05 Displays the list of GDI handles opened by every process HashMyFiles 1.67 Calculate the MD5/SHA1 hashes of your files HeapMemView 1.02 View the content of all memory blocks allocated in the heap. HTMLAsText 1.11 Converts HTML documents to simple text files. HtmlDocEdit 1.02 Simple HTML designer/editor IconsExtract 1.46 Extract icons and cursors from executbale files (EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, etc.) IECacheView 1.32 List all files currently stored in the cache of Internet Explorer. IECookiesView 1.74 Displays the cookies that Internet Explorer stores on your computer IEDesignMode 1.00 Switch the active Internet Explorer window to design mode. IEHistoryView 1.45 Displays the list of all Web sites that you recently visited. IE PassView 1.17 Recover passwords stored by Internet Explorer (Versions 4.0 - 8.0) InsideClipboard 1.11 Displays the content of all formats stored in the clipboard. InstalledCodec 1.15 List Codec drivers and DirectShow filters installed on your system. IPInfoOffline 1.16 view country information about IP addresses. IPNetInfo 1.21 Easily find all available information about IP address. LiveContactsView 1.06 View the details of all contacts in your Windows Live Messenger. LSASecretsDump 1.21 Dump the LSA secrets from the Registry. LSASecretsView 1.21 displays the list of all LSA secrets stored in the Registry on your computer. MACAddressView 1.12 MAC address lookup tool Mail PassView 1.55 Recovers email passwords MonitorInfoView 1.05 displays essential information about your monitor. MozillaCacheView 1.27 List all files currently stored in the cache of Firefox/Mozilla browser. MozillaHistoryView 1.25 Displays the list of visited Web sites in Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Web browsers. MessenPass 1.30 Recovers the passwords of instant messenger programs MUICacheView 1.01 Edit/delete MUICache items in your system MetarWeather 1.63 Decode METAR weather reports, and display them in a simple weather report table. MyEventViewer 1.36 MyEventViewer is a simple alternative to the standard event viewer of Windows. MyLastSearch 1.44 View your latest searches with Google, Yahoo, and MSN MyUninstaller 1.65 Alternative utility to the standard Add/Remove applet of Windows. MozillaCookiesView 1.30 alternative to the standard 'Cookie Manager' provided by Netscape and Mozilla. Network Password Recovery 1.24 Recover network passwords on Windows XP/2003/Vista. NetResView 1.16 displays the list of all network resources on your LAN. NetRouteView 1.05 GUI alternative to the standard route utility of Windows. NirCmd 2.41 Do many useful tasks from command-line. NK2Edit 1.06 Full NK2 (AutoComplete) editor for Microsoft Outlook NK2View 1.43 View the content of Outlook AutoComplete .NK2 file. NTFSLinksView 1.00 View the list of NTFS symbolic links/junctions in selected folder. OfficeIns 1.05 displays the details of all installed Microsoft Office add-ins on your computer. OpenedFilesView 1.46 Displays the list of all opened files on your system. OpenWithView 1.11 Disable/enable items in the 'Open With' dialog-box of Windows. OperaCacheView 1.37 Cache viewer for Opera Web browser. OperaPassView 1.01 Password recovery tool for Opera Web browser. OutlookAttachView 1.12 Extract multiple attachments from Outlook. OutlookStatView 1.06 Display a general statistics of your Outlook emails. PasswordFox 1.20 View passwords stored in Firefox Web browser. PCAnywhere PassView 1.12 PingInfoView 1.25 ping multiple host names and IP addresses. ProcessActivityView 1.11 Show the file activity for selected process. ProduKey 1.40 Displays the CD-Keys of MS-Office/Windows installed on your computer. PstPassword 1.12 Recover lost password of Outlook PST file. Remote Desktop PassView 1.01 Reveals the password stored by Microsoft Remote Desktop utility. RecentFilesView 1.10 Display the list of recently opened files RegDllView 1.40 RegDllView is a small utility that displays the list of all registered files. RegFromApp 1.21 Creates .reg file according to Registry changes made by application. RegScanner 1.82 Scan and find values in the Registry ResourcesExtract 1.15 Extract resources from dll/ocx/exe files. RouterPassView 1.00 Recover passwords from router config file. RunAsDate 1.10 Run a program with the specified date. SearchFilterView 1.00 view the search filters installed on your system. SearchMyFiles 1.47 Alternative to the standard "Search For Files And Folders" module of Windows. SeqDownload 1.25 Download sequence of images from the Web, and create animation from them. ServiWin 1.40 displays the list of installed drivers and services on your system. ShellBagsView 1.06 Displays the list of all folder settings saved by Windows. ShellMenuNew 1.01 Disable/Enable items in the New submenu of Explorer. ShellExView 1.47 Displays the details of shell extensions installed on your computer. ShortcutsMan 1.05 Lists all shortcuts on your desktop/start menu. ShellMenuView 1.12 Disable/enable static menu items in cotext menu of Explorer. SiteShoter 1.38 Save a screenshot of any Web page into a file. SkypeLogView 1.12 View log files created by Skype SmartSniff 1.60 Captures TCP/IP packets and view the captured data as sequence of conversations. SniffPass 1.10 capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter. SocketSniff 1.07 Watch the Windows Sockets (WinSock) activity of the selected process. SpecialFoldersView 1.13 Easily jump to special folders in your system. SysExporter 1.51 Grab the data stored in list-views, tree-views, list boxes, and combo boxes. URLProtocolView 1.15 View/disable/enable the URL protocols installed on your system USBDeview 1.67 Lists all installed USB devices that you previously used. UserAssistView 1.01 This utility decrypt and displays the list of all UserAssist entries UserProfilesView 1.01 View user profiles information on your system. VideoCacheView 1.61 Extract Web site video files from the cache of your Web browser VNCPassView 1.02 Recover the passwords stored by the VNC tool. Volumouse 1.72 Adjust the volume of your speaker with the wheel of your mouse. WebVideoCap 1.38 Capture Flash Video files and RTSP streams while watching them in a Web browser. WhatInStartup 1.20 disable/enable/delete programs that are loaded at Windows startup. WhoisCL 1.34 Get WHOIS information about a registered domain from command-line. WhoisThisDomain 1.41 Get information about a registered domain from WHOIS server. WhosIP 1.05 find all available information about an IP address from command-line. WinFontsView 1.05 Display sample of all fonts installed on your system. WinLister 1.13 This utility displays the list of opened windows on your system. WinPrefetchView 1.05 View the Prefetch files (.pf) stored in your system. WirelessKeyView 1.34 recovers lost wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer. WirelessNetConsole 1.00 View wireless networks information (console application) WirelessNetView 1.26 Monitor the activity of wireless networks around you. WinUpdatesList 1.23 Displays the list of all Windows updates (Service Packs and Hotfixes). OS: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 Язык/Language: English/Русский (языковой пакет) Разработчик: www.nirsoft.net Размер: 16.59 MB

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Bandits of Yanukovich and freedom

   Прошу ознайомитися з листом, що прийшов на адресу УВО. Це офіційна заява ректора Українського Католицького Університету до міжнародної спільноти з приводу політичних репресій нової антиукраїнської влади - якщо часто буваєте на іноземних сайтах, дуже прошу поширити.

   Найближчими годинами з"явиться українська версія заяви.

   Memorandum Regarding the
Visit to UCU of a representative of the
Service of Ukraine (SBU) (former KGB)
(responsible for contacts with
18 May 2010, office of the rector, 9:50-10:34

9:27 in the morning Fr. Borys Gudziak received a call on his private
mobile phone from a representative of the Security Service of Ukraine
requesting a meeting. The meeting was scheduled for 20 minutes later at
the rectorate of UCU. This official had had contacts with the UCU
rectorate a year ago at the time of the visit to the university of the
then President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko. He had made a visit to the
rectorate in the late afternoon on May 11 with regard to a request of
the Ecumenical and Church History Institutes to sign an agreement to use
the SBU archives. At that time members of the rectorate were away from
the office. He had, what Dr. Antoine Arjakovsky, director of the
Institute of Ecumenical Studies, called a “very good meeting.”

arrival on May 18 in a polite manner the agent related that certain
political parties are planning protests and demonstrations regarding the
controversial (and in some cases inflammatory) policies of the new
Ukrainian authorities. Students are to be engaged in these protests.
There is a danger that some of these manifestations may be marred by
provocations. He stated that, of course, students are allowed to protest
but that they should be warned by the university administration that
those involved in any illegal activities will be prosecuted. Illegal
activities include not only violent acts but also, for example, pickets
blocking access to the work place of government officials (or any
protests that are not sanctioned by authorities).

After his oral
presentation the agent put on the table between us an unfolded one-page
letter that was addressed to me. He asked me to read the letter and then
acknowledge with a signature my familiarity with its contents. He
stated that after I had read and signed the letter it would be necessary
for him to take the letter back. Since I could see that the document
was properly addressed to me as rector (I also noticed that it had two
signatures giving it a particularly official character) I replied calmly
that any letter addressed to me becomes my property and should stay
with me -- at least in copy form. Only under these conditions could I
agree to even read the letter (much less sign).

The agent was
evidently taken back by my response. It seemed that the situation for
him was without precedent because in my presence using his mobile phone
he called his (local) superiors to ask for instructions on how to
proceed. The superior refused permission to leave me either the original
letter or a copy, saying that the SBU fears I “might publish it in the
internet.” I questioned this entire procedure and the need for secrecy
and refused to look at the letter and read its contents. The young
official was disappointed and somewhat confused but did not exert
additional pressure and did not dispute my argumentation.
conversation also had a pastoral moment. I cautioned the agent of the
fact that the SBU as the former KGB, with many employees remaining from
the Soviet times, has a heavy legacy of breaking and crippling people
physically and morally and that he as a young married person should be
careful not to fall into any actions that would cause lasting damage to
his own identity and shame his children and grandchildren. I sought to
express this pastorally as a priest. To his credit he both acknowledged
the past and declared his desire to serve the needs of Ukrainian
citizens. He also asked that I indicate to him if I feel that he is
exercising improper pressure.

Finally, I expressed my and the
general population’s profound disappointment that the work of the SBU is
so uneven, that security and police officers live lavishly on low
salaries because they are involved in corrupt activities, and that the
legal rights of citizens and equal application of the law are severely
neglected. I gave the recent example of my cousin, Teodor Gudziak mayor
of Vynnyky, who in February 2010 (three days after the election of the
new president) was arrested in a fabricated case of bribery that was set
up by a notoriously corrupt political rival and former policemen
through the regional and city police. Despite the fact that two weeks
before the fabricated affair the mayor, based on a vote of the town
council, had given the SBU a video of plainclothes policemen breaking
into his office and safe in city hall in the middle of the night and
using town seals on various documents the SBU took no action. (The
leadership of the Church, specifically Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, fears
that by manipulated association this case may be used as a devise to
compromise the rector of UCU and the whole institution which has a
unique reputation of being free from corruption.) I also related that I
had reliable testimony and audible evidence that my phone is tapped and
has been for many months.

The population of Ukraine continues to
fear and distrust both state security and police personnel because of
the woeful track record of law enforcement and because of the diffuse
practice of police intimidation of honest politicians, journalist,
common citizens and the wonton extortion practiced by security
institutions and police with respect to middle and small business. I
asked the young agent to convey these concerns to his superiors. I had
the impression that personally he is open to moral argument but that he
also was simply doing his job. It was clear to me that he was dutifully
“following orders.”

During our conversation the agent asked me
about the imminent (May 20-22) General Assembly of the Federation of
European Catholic Universities (FUCE) that will be hosted by UCU in
Lviv. He characterized it as an important event (it has received
considerable publicity) and asked about the program and whether it is
open to the public. It was clear that he would have been interested in
participating in the proceedings. I said that the main theme,
“Humanization of society through the work of Catholic universities,” was
announced in a press release as will be the outcome of the
deliberations. The working sessions of the university rectors, however,
are not open to the public. I explained that the 211 members of the
International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) and the 45
members of FUCE follow closely the development of the only Catholic
university in the former Soviet Union. They will be monitoring the
welfare of UCU, especially since in Japan in March at the annual meeting
of the Board of Consultors of IFCU I had the opportunity to describe
some of our socio-political concerns and the threats to the freedom of
intellectual discourse (imposition of Soviet historical views,
rehabilitation of Stalin and Stalinism, to whom a new monument was
unveiled in Zaporizhzhia 5 May 2010) and new censorship of the press and
television that are incompatible with normal university life.

as had been arranged at the beginning of the meeting, I called in the
UCU Senior Vice Rector Dr. Taras Dobko to whom the official repeated the
SBU’s concerns.

Besides noting the SBU’s solicitude for
stability in Ukrainian society there are a few conclusions to be drawn
from the encounter and the proposals that were expressed:

Signing a document such as the letter that was presented for signature
to me is tantamount to agreeing to cooperate (collaborate) with the SBU.
The person signing in effect agrees with the contents of the letter and
their implication. In KGB practice getting a signature on a document
that was drafted and kept by the KGB was a primary method of recruiting
secret collaborators.
2. Such methods have no known (to me) precedent
in independent Ukraine in the experience of UCU and of the Lviv
National University whose longtime rector (and former Minister of
Education, 2008–10) Ivan Vakarchuk I consulted immediately after the
meeting. These methods were well known in the Soviet times.
3. The
confiscation of the letter after signature makes the letter and
signature instruments to be used at the complete discretion of the SBU
The possible scenarios for the exploitation of such a document include
the following:
a.) In case of the arrest of a student the SBU could
confront the rectorate and charge that the university was informed of
the danger to students and did not take necessary measures to protect
them from violence or legal harm. In this case the university
administration could be charged with both moral and legal
responsibility. A charge with legal ramifications could become an
instrument to try to force the university to compromise on some
important principle (freedom of expression, forms of social engagement
and critique, even religious practice, all of which have precedent in
recent history). Furthermore, the authorities could use such a pretext
to exert a high degree of pressure on the university to curb any and all
protest by students.
b.) After a hypothetical arrest of a student
or students the students and their parents as well as other members of
the university community could be shown the document with which the
administration was warned and counseled to curb student activities.
Since the administration did not stop the students from the activities
that became the pretext for the arrest, parents or others could draw the
conclusion that the university does not have adequate concern for the
welfare of its students. This would be a most effective way of dividing
the university community and undermining the university’s reputation
among its most important constituents–students.
5. The apparent
genuine surprise of the agent at my refusal to do as requested could
mean that he is not used to such a reaction. He had explained to me that
he works with clergy on a regular basis. It could be assumed that other
clergy (who work with youth, students, etc.) have been approached and
that they have not refused to sign such documents.
6. Measures of
this nature create apprehension and unease. They are meant to intimidate
university administrations and students. They are part of a whole
pattern of practice that is well known to the Ukrainian population. The
revival of such practices is a conscious attempt to revive the methods
of the Soviet totalitarian past and to re-instill fear in a society that
was only beginning to feel its freedom.
7. Since only two of the
approximately 170 universities of Ukraine have been voicing there
protest regarding recent political and educational developments and many
rectors have been marshaled/pressured to express their support
regarding the turn of events, it is clear that in recent months fear and
accommodation are returning to higher education at a rapid pace. It can
be expected that UCU will be subject to particular attention and
possible pressure in the coming months. The solidarity of the
international community, especially the academic world, will be
important in helping UCU maintain a position of principle regarding
intellectual and social freedom.
8. Speaking and writing openly about
these issues is the most peaceful and effective manner of counteracting
efforts to secretly control and intimidate students and citizens. As
was apparent during this incident, state authorities are particularly
sensitive about publicity regarding their activity. Information can have
a preemptory, corrective and curing role when it comes to planned
actions to circumscribe civic freedom, democracy, and the basic dignity
of human beings.

It should be noted that on 11 May 2010, when
Ukrainian students were organizing protest activity in Lviv as well as
Kyiv, a representative of the office of Ihor Derzhko, the Deputy Head of
the Lviv Regional Administration responsible for humanitarian affairs
called the rectorate and asked for statistics on the number of students
participating in the demonstrations. UCU's response was that the
uniersity does not know how to count in that way.

Please keep UCU
and all the students and citizens of Ukraine in your thoughts and

Fr. Borys Gudziak
Rector, Ukrainian Catholic
19 May 2010

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