
46 , , 39-46

Degradation Of Population

Today I walked round in my native town. I got tired of all this computer shit, studying, politic idiocy, etc... When I go for a walk somewhere I usually try to make some observations. And this time local people were my object of observing. I tried to analyse the tendency of my town's development in social and cultural ways. Well, yeah, I bought a bottle of beer to clear my mind :)) But that doesn't matter... So, what can I say... From one side I was pleased by what I witnessed. Some things have really changed through last years. And I can assure you that it's true because I lived here almost all my life. Unfortunately, changes are not always supposed to be positive. And that is the thing that upset me. I saw degradated people of different age. I see it in their behaviour, their words, their manners and even in their eyes. Absolute indifference, herd's mentality, ape's behaviour. They try to copy the crowd and persons whom they think are the best. But the problem is that they don't think at all, their thinking is primitive. I don't know why... May be because of the lack of education, information, upbringing, parents' attention... And as a part of a society and the state I became sad about this matter. It can be compared with watching of your friends dying and not only. A special feeling appears. A feeling of loneliness, hopelessness, fatality... slow death. I understand though it is natural, human is an imperfect organism and during its evolution he can progress as well as degradate. The last thing seems to be the one I saw today. I don't know whether it is a long term tendency or not. I hope it isn't. Actually the tendency is the main concept that matters. Will we cure by ourselves or may be we need help from someone? I am sure that strong people who have will power will "survive" and not become scums like many already are. Most people are those who move where the river flows and don't try to swim anywhere else. So, they will become (or even are) the victims of outer conditions which they don't resist. The natural processes will swallow them and spit as garbage. Even today I see a lot of human wastes in the streets. These people seem to be helpless to gegradation... they don't care much... just drink, eat, sleep and do things they want. But who am I to ask them to change something? Why should I care? Sometimes I want to tell: "Die, motherfuckers, you deserve it!" And at that moment I realise that I am a part of them like they are a part of me. I can't do anything about it, unfortunately. We're all tied by the ropes of laws, culture, genetics, etc. And these ropes hurt me, when my people die I feel pain, this pain drags me slowly to a grave also. I just hope those who are conscious, who wish to change it will have more power then the others who strive to become rubbish and go dead in many senses. Help yourself, help me, help us all. Be strong and try everytime you can... The saviours of my town, my country, mankind and thus yourselves... ourselves...


ó: _SKiF_

129.06.08, 01:08

, ...

    229.06.08, 01:22

    You don't think at all, your thinking is primitive. I don't know why... Maybe because of the lack of education, information, parents' attention... The natural processes will swallow you and spit as garbage.
    Sometimes I want to tell you: "Die, motherfucker, you deserve it!"