
51 , , 35-50

V international competition planet of OF CHILDREN 2014

  • 16.02.14, 14:29





Kyivan organization National Society of Photo Artists of Ukraine



National Society of Photo Artists of Ukraine

ISF Image sans Frontière




The Gallery Dim Mykoly in Kyiv (Ukraine)

Photoclub 9x12 in Kyiv (Ukraine)

Photoclub BardaF in Bardejov (Slovakia)




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The goal

To capture and show the world of children, their joy or sorrow, studies or rest, entertainment, hobbies, positive and negative emotions, relations with each other and with their parents. In brief, to show THEIR LIFE!

Requirements for participation 

Only female photographers can participate from any country of the world. The world of children is the topic of the photographic exhibition. Photographs will be rated in the following three sections:

  •  Portrait (P)
  •  Reportage or genre photo (G)
  •  Digital art-photo (digital manipulated photo P)

Cost of participation:

Participant fees are to be transferred to account [email protected] in the international payment system PayPal.

Ukrainian participants fees are to be transferred to: ³ , () 380537, 19017842, 29249800002, : 040000394205 . (Only for Ukrainian participants), or by post transferred to Kompantseva Natalia, Berezniakivska str. 16A, app. 202, Kyiv 02152, Ukraine.

  • For members of National Society of Photo Artists of Ukraine 50 UAH.
  • For Ukrainian residents 80 UAH.
  • For participants from other countries 10 .

Participants can submit only 5 photographs per section. A photographs with the same topic could be submitted as one photo (series) in the section Reportage or genre photo (G). Participants of the photo exhibition carry responsibility for violation authors rights or rights of third parties. Photos are accepted in digital format only. The images should be ready for print in the following format: JPEG/8 bit/sRGB/300 dpi, 3600 pixels on longer side. Authors should also submit previews of these images, in the following format: JPEG/8 bit/sRGB/72 dpi, 1000 pixels on longer side. Photographs and previews, entry-form with information about the date and the fee transaction number should be sent to e-mail: [email protected] Along with preview photos, an author has to send a filled entry form. Without an entry form, photos will not be accepted.  The photos are not allowed to have pseudo-passepartout, fields, frame, autographs of the author or E-mail address. The image must be bleed. Files are named in Russian or in Ukrainian (for CIS countries), or in English according to the following scheme: Section_name_surname_title_country; For example: 1G_Joan_Gerber_Himba Boy_Canada Preview files should be named according to the following scheme Section_name_surname_title_PRE_country. For example: 1G_Joan_Gerber_Himba Boy_Pre_Canada


  • Natalia Kompantseva AFIAP, Ukraine, Kyiv
  • Nadyezda Anzhelina, AFIAP, Ukraine, Odessa
  • Opolska Valentina, EFIAP, Ukraine, Odessa
  • Saveleva Lubov, AFIAP, Ukraine, Mykolaiv


Kompantseva N.V., Korotenko M.O., Kotlar L.S., Lishchuk N.M., Chaptsev O.V. Chekanovskyi A.A., Demchuk I.P.

Each participant will receive an illustrated catalogue. The participant permits the organizers to reproduce any entry free of charge for promotional purposes related to the project PLANET OF CHILDREN       Coordinator of the project Natalia Kompantseva       More information at: www.planetofchildren.org.ua , +38 050 65-56-334 or (+44) 550-82-40       e-mail: [email protected]


  • Closing day for entries: 12p.m, April 26 2014
  • Judging: May 3-4, 2014
  • Juried results: May 11, 2014
  • Exhibit opening and awards ceremony: June 3, 2014
  • Mailing of catalogues: December, 2014


  • a) ISF medals
  • b) medals and diplomas from National Society of Photo Artists of Ukraine;
  • c) the medals of the Photosalon Planet Of Children;
  • d) prizes from the partners of Photosalon Planet of Children.