
49 , , 35-55

Thoughts ....

  • 10.11.11, 17:33
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

ó: djeromo

110.11.11, 17:50

Cvbfgrt nmhjzu bnghtz vbfgrt mkjiuo bnghtz !


    210.11.11, 17:54

    , .

      ó: djeromo

      310.11.11, 17:56³ 2 ó:

      ? .


        410.11.11, 17:59³ 3 ó: djeromo

        ? . .

          ó: ³

          510.11.11, 18:00

          !!!!!!!! "5"!!!!!

            610.11.11, 18:25

            -, -, , - it's up to you

              ó: djeromo

              710.11.11, 18:49³ 4 ó:

              , , ? ? , - , , , , .


                810.11.11, 18:50³ 6 Yan_ka

                -, -, , - it's up to you ?

                  910.11.11, 20:17³ 7 ó: djeromo

                  - !? - .