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52 , , 38-57


  • 02.04.11, 13:16



This text if for an individual who not only doubts the rightness of a common concept of outward things restricted by the frames of the materialistic existence theory and a concept of the aim of life, but, in the first place, for a reader who is capable of straining his intellect to admit the speculative concepts overlooking conscious understanding.

Todays reality has really shaken the confidence of generally - known dogmas of official science. Its, however, a long way to the wide acceptance of a non-traditional interpretation of the outward world.

   Dont grudge the efforts to open the first page and further you will acquire the sense of a greater use, than just acting the part which pragmatic theory has been destined for you, supposedly, guided by the past and present experience, and an insight of the future; the theory which has formed the norm of behavior regulations, originated from subjective realization of the heart of a particular temporary situation.

Imposing such spiritual restriction forms the infrastructure affects our everyday life, entangling everyone in lies, unbelief and despair. Its quite possible that not all of the authors judgments will be taken unanimously, especially since the concept suggested is not put in an affirmative way, but in the form of evident things. Thus one gets an impulse to develop his own overview toward the outward world, giving freedom to his soul

The issue is for people who have lost their beloved ones. 

The loss of an intimate friend changes to a state of deep depression. A new vital optimism comes out as a proposed initiation that gives the code of external energy- informational infeed.



 The unknown world











Our customary world is put into the system of three perpendicular planes XYZ (fig.3) At that, mathematically, the location of any MO in the system of coordinates of the world is defined by the value of projections on the surface XYZ. Mechanical removal of MOs in the coordinates of our world doesnt show the picture of changes, taking place in it.

Figure 3

Lets conditionally superpose axis XYZ with coordinate X, close our three-dimensional space in one-dimensional restraint as axis X with basic reference point 0  (fig.4)

Figure 4

Lets draw an axis perpendicular to the acquired closed half-line, superposed in point 0.  Conditionally new closed half-line T symbolizes the time space, inevitable part of the world. In an acquired two-dimensional system of coordinates, each of them is a complicated many-dimensional structure, and try to get closer to the correlation of physical and time spaces (fig.5). 

Figure 5

The removal of axis XYZ characterizes mechanical removal of MO in a three-dimensional space, not causing changes in the world. The removal on coordinate T cant be found in coordinates XYZ and its consideration makes no sense. The removal of MO in the time space consists of its mechanical removal in coordinates XYZ and accompanying it vitality, which transforms the world. In the acquired system of coordinates TXYZ (hereinafter X, T) we can simultaneously acquire graphical removal of the MO in space and time.  This removal will be identified by a line, drawn at some angle ? to axis X. As axes X and are many-dimensional space structures (interrelated with each other), lets consider positive vectors of removal of the MO, the direction of X and T increase. Any point on the line in spaces X and T is characterized at the same time by the location of MO within coordinates XYZ and the location in the time space T. The projection of this point to axis X, marked as t is nothing but durability of the MOs vitality, measured in the Earths rotation around the Sun, and the projection to axis T, marked as w is EIF of the material object.  The line is an energy-informational characteristic of the MO. The system of correlated spaces X, T for each MO has a separate nature and a separate from the others reference point 0. The number of systems depends on the number of MOs in a common for them time space. Graphically we can define three conditional zones based on the gradient of corner a.

Zone 1 zone = 0.-a1 zone of low level of vitality and is typical for inanimate MOs.

Zone 2 zone = .a1-a2. middle level of vitality, lower forms of active life.

Zone 3 and further on the evolutionary chain of vitality brings to the level of perfect forms of vitality.

Moving along the line in coordinates X, T can be controlled with the timers to register component t , and a growing EIF w is controlled by a man on subconscious level (its not liable to measurement in our mind, both in volume and quality. Only indirect evaluation of coordinate w is possible by comparison and confrontation method. Regardless of that, if not specify scale w, the growth of which is not a proportional value to coordinate t, so we can specify some dependences (fig.6).

Figure 6

t vitality in the scale of generally-known time

Wo original EIF

W current index of EIF

W/t-tg a intensity of energy-informational deliverance  (unit weight of the MOs energy)

a index of the level of EIE

da unit weight of MOs energy

In the span da=01, the unit weight of energy doesnt overcome middle level of the MOs adaptation. If da exceeds 1 it defines the level of the unit weight of energy, that is not compensated by the energy-informational infeed for the reason of degradation of EIE. At that the time t pressures relative to the growing index w. The general nature of continuous removal of the MO in time, accompanied by the removal of space XYZ in space cant be understood by an observer, placed into space XYZ and can be evaluated when considering changes in the systems of higher levels. The man is enabled to watch the sequences of deformations in space XYZ. In other words, we observe not the phenomena themselves, happened to the universe, but only the projections of these phenomena onto the world. If the intensity of the worlds removal in time coincides with the speed of its adaptation, everything goes in a natural way (without disasters..). But its a state of unstable balance, rather than a common phenomenon. If EIF is accumulated with delay, not reflecting onto the world, it causes the consequences to accumulate, and they significantly influence its state in future time spaces. This is not a delay in the scale of our time, but an end of the worlds deformation, caused by the opposition of one energy-informational structure to the structure of another, which withstands the energy-informational structure. The man is unable to influence the energy-informational distribution that takes place in the universe causing the degeneration of common energy-informational deliverance of the world.  The man is helpless before forthcoming changes; he is a part of the nature of the Earth, restricted by the frames of three-dimensional space. But not all is so upsetting. The man is not that innocent in the process of the worlds transformation. Lets try to develop the information in an emotional way. A man of originally excellent health, unexpectedly lives 30-40 ears, and another one, ill from the birthday lives up to 80-90 years.

Whats the matter? Why is that?

By what do we measure the durability of life?

Do we measure it by the number of rotations of the Earth around the Sun?

Who said it should be so?

Is that convenient? Are we all equal under the Sun?

And a just man and a good man live long t, and a bad man Oh! Doesnt live anymore.

We have what we invented!

Everyone strives to live as more rotations of the Earth around the Sun, as possible. Its so good to live in our world today, only the good, kind, sympathetic people left Wed better go through the purgatory as we are now in the hell!

Lets proceed considering the problem of development with the help of graphical conditional image. In the system of coordinates XT:

t projection of the vitality to three-dimensional space XYZ.

w projection of the vitality to the time space (a component under control of God).

For God component t doesnt exist, and for us it makes no certain sense, as beyond the Earth t can have various values, depending on the adopted way of reckoning.

Durability of the MOs vitality for God is defined by segment o-p energy-informational filling. We think that EIF depends on value OP, but this assumption is wrong. A man can live even 100 years (100 rotations around the Sun), for example, not leaving home, and will have the minimum EIF, another one for 20-30 years can efficiently surmount his time space, acquiring capacious EIF. The vitality of MO is aimed at replenishment and correction of EIF of the Supreme Mind, thats the sense of every MOs existence, each system of any level. Increasing EIF of the Supreme Mind is corrected in EIF of each in particular and in whole integrity of MO. Further the correction and removal of our space in time take place, and we are to blame for these changes. The real vitality of MO is conditionally represented as a crooked line (curved segments is an increased unit weight of energy) (fig.7).

Thus, life projection t as a length OPr is seen shorter, supposedly destined. From the point of God life broken in the point Pr is more significant than life OP. God judges about life not by t, but the quality of the filler of Energy-informational jar. But how should we evaluate the limit of time gap of the vitality, projection t? Lets imagine that the Supreme Mind selectively injects people who go a heroic way pressing component t. For us these people live very little, and for God they create the necessary EIF. We should assume that these people acquire ultra-high level of EIE, provided by the energy-informational infeed of the Supreme Mind. In this case manifesting bright individuality (talent) is not an acquired with years experience, but a Gods gift, in response to the fact that the man through self-denial from original EIF feeds the Supreme Mind with significant EIF without breaking his vitality. Talent is a tool for direct contact of a gifted man with God. Such energy-informational structure transforms and distributes in our space, making amendments to its state in the time space. The MOs not adjusted with coming changes lose their capability to full vitality, lose EIE and stop their being. Physical death comes. The physical death is not the same for everyone. The death is disappearance for space XYZ is not a total death. There remains individual energy-informational jar, the soul. Further fate of MO fully depends on the quality of EIF. Every man (if he is a man) must think over it. Not everyone defines his calling by strange professions. And why do the elected by God must bear thing awful and excessive burden?

If the man lives on line OSp, it doesnt mean he will necessarily get energy feeding and oversteps barrier S-S and got to segment Sp-St. During degradation of EIE comes an end to existence. When going to segment Sp-St projection XYZ is not t any more, but t+t and twill exist till there is harmony of EIE.

 It is suggested, that overcoming barrier S-S by the man is accompanied by clinical death or other ultra shock after which the man acquires new destiny. On the surface they are capabilities, talents, but these are insignificant reflections of renewed vitality of the man, who went beyond borders S-S. A normal man cant analyze the vitality of such a man on segment Sp-St. The observer controls t and dreams as far as he can. Noting some peculiarities one can try to take these features over, and blindly follow the visible vitality. But its a fatal mistake. The entire comic element is in the attempt of living under the destiny line man, acquires visible signs of superiority, like in the fable by Krylov The monkey and the glasses. But there is significant difference: the monkey experiments without threat for her existence, at most she can spoil her sight. And what will be in our case? Unconscious imitation brings to the loss of EIE and going out to level S-S too early. Energy-informational infeed doesnt happen and the man disappears from universe XYZ. Not everyone is able to wear the burden of a hero these capabilities come from beyond.


 Every man his initial individual EIF (he is on a certain stage of evolution) and if this level is not up to the criteria of the Supreme Mind (the man subconsciously feels it), there is a great way out, it is to live under the destiny line and not to imitate doubtful personalities, who live in a strange world and act irrationally. Dont blindly imitate the close. Dont envy those who are capable of to flying. They wont enjoy so much as you think (eternal luxurious feast and other pleasures), they dont need it. Its you who strives for them because you dont understand your destiny. The capable of flying are unique mediators between space XYZ and the Supreme Mind. We dont think any more, which from the two electric wires more lucky is the one that conducts a higher-tension current. In that case we understand that the higher current flows along the wire the more probability that it will burn down. There is nothing to be envious about. Someone must conduct high-tension current. And we can only envy unique isolation and screen (EIF) in which he is dressed. They are destined not to make him look respectable, but to be able to conduct high-tension current. They are for your own benefit, so that you wont be killed by electricity. But the most inveterate dont calm down. They spend tremendous amount of money to look prestigious isolation. They dont even stop at taking it off from the wires of high-tension current, sometimes at the price of their lives. At present, some a large amount of wires, who are unable to conduct such tension, flaunt around in the shells of luxurious isolation without trying to understand what it was for. And what about the conductors of high-tension current? Some of them couldnt bear and burned down, and some of them keep on bearing their cross, but now with danger for others (they are naked, if one touches, it will kill!) There come out electromagnetic fields (the screens are taken off) that unfavorably affect others. This states as not stable enough. An overall EIE does its business and there comes the process of accumulation of changes, the distortion of space XYZ. Everything is on to its place again and acquires the favorable state. It is known from the Bible about the losses in the process.

If to imagine the system of removed spaces XT in a many-dimensional representation, it can supposedly look like this. Fig.8):

1.    projection of vitality of the MO (man) onto space XYZ.

2.    projection of the MO (man) onto the time space.

Line 1-2 is a thread symbolizing availability of EIE at a man, who was put into space XYZ with the Supreme Mind. The vitality of the man is accompanied by, besides changes under consequent energy-informational deliverance, the changes and development in the time space of the mans double (guardian angel), in which EIF is formed, a unique spray of the structure of the time space.

The Supreme Mind is an aggregate of not disappearing dynamic components of the vitality of a MO, in the form of which energy-informational deliverance is manifested, that defines the structure in our worlds and time space development.

The disappearance of the man in space XYZ comes from the loss of the thread of EIE, that is a linking material between the two spaces.

The integral EIF of the Supreme Mind is continuously replenished over the threads of EIE and distributed to the forming MOs of three-dimensional space (groups of people, civilization). The Supreme Mind specifies the progress of development and expansion of the universe in the time space. 



The above information is an attempt to open the curtain of causes and consequences influencing the length of life, accessed in the number of the Earths rotations around the Sun. Life is prolonged in the process of discovering talents in oneself, the means of increasing the harmonization of EOE. Striving for a long life must not be its fundamental principle. One can live a long life of neither a vegetable nor realizing ones destiny or a life with efficient EIE accompanied by a vertical energy-informational infeed. A short life of an egoist, breaking the norms but a life of a hero (poet)...even more breaking the installed principles and dogmas running into an individuals egoism. Such a life doesnt form a vision of the past. The distinguishing quality of the man is determined by an initial EIF. The quality develops further in a new state of the time space. EOE expands the basis of EIF and forms a bulkhead out of initial EIF, which like a sponge is soaked in initial qualities of EIF. The lack of premises to development in the original EIF induces the man to self-expression through the negative talent or to a vegetable life. The peculiarities of original EIF will influence the choice of the way. We can finish our essay on this pessimistic surge. In fact, in our world (space XYZ) any signs of human activity are subject to complete disappearance. Its considered a dying man remains to exist only in the memory of people, which is the brighter, the more significant material or spiritual heredity he has left after himself. Human memory is not durable enough. Generations change and in the eyes of descendants the heredity changes its value. Many insignificant things can be brought up groundlessly, and something significant debased and fitted to convenient perception in resonance with a renewed generation. There are only not numerous witnesses of deep time spaces in the form of energy-informational phantoms that influence the subconsciousness of new generations. Regardless of their form, say the pieces of art, architecture, musical compositions or philosophic tractates and household goods. Contact with these energy-informational substances changes spiritual mood of a man, corrects EIE The man consciously tries to gain deep sense of energy-informational message from the depth of time layers. The course of life of those who create these objects of inexhaustible energy-informational will is lost for us (at best only names are left); we are unable to restore their actual image from the pieces of distorted truth. When using the subjects of ancient masters we subconsciously penetrate into the past states of time space where a stiffened dynamics of their course of life is. The time component of human vitality is not a vanishing structure; its an irreplaceable element of the entire structure where expanding time space is formed. The wholeness of the qualities of human vitality of former states is a determinant of cumulative quality of the original EIFs structure of the forthcoming formations and every man in particular. This hypothetical structure originally defines the destiny of every human being, the entire civilization, and the degree of obstacles. If we surmount the obstacles we move towards general harmony of EIE and formation of EIF that is sufficient for direct dialogue with ones subconsciousness, the Supreme Mind and the perception of our world with integrated time space without division into the past and the future.

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