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52 ðîêè, áëèçíþêè, ïîçíàéîìèòüñÿ ç õëîïöåì ó â³ö³ 38-57 ðîê³â


  • 04.11.10, 13:39



In our everyday life we got used to the notion of “time”. Seemingly, we don’t feel it measuring “the time” by means of the devises like the watch. The feeling of the time flow is tied up with the periodicity of the Earth rotation round its axis (round the Sun), and becomes “evident” when observing the falling stream of sand in a sandglass. An impression of the time flow is generated for each observer on the Earth.

Finding oneself on another heavenly body one can’t use the time of the Earth through loss of a false starting point. Such, on the Earth we measure not “TIME” but a relative change in position and states of a MO.

We measure “period of existence” of any MO with our “TIME”.

We got used to thinking that the objects under consideration exist from a starting point and to an end point. When studying, e.g. a fragment of a mountain, no contradictions arise in our minds. But in other cases it’s not that easy. Water poured into a glass rather soon vaporizes and stops its existence for us, we know, though, that it has transferred into gasiform and gone with the air (nothing goes utterly and the school truth doesn’t come from nothing). Suppose, the water under room conditions has vaporized for 40 days). In other words, the water lived in the glass for 40 days. During these days the water has vaporized, it miniaturized but it is the same water. Does the water stay the same? The concentration of salt dissipated in the water diminished, micro water plants bred in the water, filling the rest of the bulk. At last we state “the death” of the water when disappeared with the liquid component. So we have stated that the water in the glass has lived for 40 days. Let’s do otherwise.

We will warm up the same volume of water on a gas burner. The water will vaporize, e.g. during an hour. The same water has “lived” just an hour. What affected the difference in the “lives” of the water in that or other case? 

Specific heat energy lead to the water and given by it to the surroundings in our usual standard of “TIME”.

The simple phenomenon requires a new presentation of the events. What if we speak about an animate organism and an individual?

In popular editions one cal see the terms like BIOENERGY, BIOFIELD… The essence of the MO features has been studied very little. We just feel sure that an individual’s process of vital activity comes from the process of oxidizing accompanied by the reduction process, an energetic interchange of specific intensity. The term “intensity” is tied up to our counting of “time”.

Let’s change it to the term UNIT WEIGHT.

The unit weight of any homogeneous substance is not changeable. The water vaporized without changing its unit weight. If we go to the notion of UNIT WEIGHT OF ENERGY, we will have to “use our brains”. The unit weight of water is a characteristic of a “simple” chemical compound and is constant. The energy in this sense is not a characteristic of the MO. Energy is a unique measure of the MO vitality. THE UNIT WEIGHT OF ENERGY is liable to changes in dependence of the state and conditions of a MO’s “being” in the world. It’s an adequate reaction to external action. Our usual “time” (hours, days, years…) like a horse running around the circus ring at the same “speed”, arouses perplexity. Whatever happens (natural disasters, wars, revolutions…), it “flows and flows”. Where does it flow, with whom, passes whom (what)? One can’t use this time when on any heavenly body. The world round us is not a film running at a speed of 24 frames a second!

Let’s take the Moon. The unit weight of its energy is relatively low, what can’t be told about the Earth. The living organisms densely populate the Earth; each of them has its own unit weight of energy, like each MO in our world. It’s hard to affirm as to which MO lives longer, a moth or an individual. Every MO has its “time standard”. What if the moth has reached its destination, and an individual hasn’t?

The modern presentation of the world doesn’t propose the Earth’s stand-alone being. The Earth is considered in integrity, at least, with other heavenly bodies of the Solar system. The Earth would sure lack its own energy to support the existence of its “population’s”. The main source of the Earth’s energy infeed is the Sun. Mainly due to it the development of all living takes place, as well as the death of all obsolete.

The energy being absorbed by the Earth is a stimulator of all physical, chemical and biological processes. In other words, the Sun is a unique machine of time, affecting the unit weight of energy of each MO.   

The response reaction, e.g., of a living MO is not always adequate to an incentive. A secondary presentation of the energy in the object itself depends on specific features of the MO. When thinking about an individual by a common standard of knowledge the reasons will prove to be related to the gene structure, features and reactions of brain.

On the surface it is taken, as they say, for an individual personality, his vitality, talents, capabilities, etc. On a par with it there is negative part, pathology, i.e. weak-willedness, low adaptation level, hysteria, schizophrenia, aberration, etc.

The integrity of superior individual features along with the negative parts of psyche (which in a certain density contribute to the formation and manifestation of outstanding capabilities, talents) and secure total hyper-high unit weight of energy, the main generator of transformation and development (expansion) of the world, the true TIME.



