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  • 23.09.10, 16:17


here is a spectrum of acts causing misbalance in EIE. The individual begins to divide all phenomena, objects, people intoT the good and the bad, draws a border between the evil and the kindness. He evaluates and chooses information by the principle of useful-not useful, interesting-boring. He selectively likes animals, inanimate objects. On the other side, he can live without devotion, warmth and love. He tries to prove the superiority of the body over the spiritual and infringes upon physical needs. He thinks that by doing it he increases the extent of his spirituality and brings himself to full exhaustion, breakdown of mind, hallucination (pseudo-spirituality is achieved by taking drugs). The body is not a prison for soul, by means of its manifestation, the form of existence. Its in his nature to strive to pass his experience. To teach, to help with advice, but behind all this there is a hidden craving for power. Some avoid teaching other people, to help, give advice, bewaring responsibility, not trusting himself and not wanting to interfere. The rigidity of mind, conservatism and gregarious instinct come out at this stage. Rigid principles of life dont consider changes in the world, removing in time. The man strives to accumulate money and material values or wants to express himself no matter in what field, consciously and unconsciously restricts the area of his activity and mind, his living space. He divided the world into his own thing and somebody elses (the borders, spheres of influence, spheres of science, family life, personal life, etc.). The subjective perception of loneliness and individuality of other people promotes the death of EIE. In his closed space the individual forms his laws, regulations and principles of morality. Its ones obligation to love ones brother, obey ones father, be responsible for ones child, and help to relatives; also one can fill the emptiness with pungent feelings. The aim of life becomes sports, concerned with the risk for life, love affairs, gambling games, all that tickling ones nerves and excites blood. Moreover, the amateurs dont mind benefiting from the craziness of others and use the passions of others intheir favor, satisfying own ambitions, trusting only logical mind contrary to the material under experiment, people who dont take an opportunity of their intellect, living in the power of feelings, instincts and emotions. The desire to separate out community, family, state leads to degradation. Unshakeable self-assurance, in the rightness of vitality gives birth to the desire for extreme forms of sweets, satisfaction of ones whims. At that, the law of submission to one another is taken as a natural thing. The individual gets used to consume the thoughts of others feeling constant hungriness for information. The need in constant communication arises, constant horizontal energy- informational infeed. In some cases the man breeds the elements of fascism, manifests himself as a home tyrant, whose family cant freely communicate in his presence and by his first sign must rush to fulfill any caprice, even at the price of disgrace and suffering. (Under the pressing the opposite side can loose its point of view, will think and discuss only what it hears or sees around itself). In this role the man presents envy as an innocent and natural feeling. But envy is a personal feeling and hatred covers the nations.