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52 ðîêè, áëèçíþêè, ïîçíàéîìèòüñÿ ç õëîïöåì ó â³ö³ 38-57 ðîê³â




  • 20.06.10, 19:14



This text if for an individual who not only doubts the rightness of a common concept of outward things restricted by the frames of the materialistic existence theory and a concept of the aim of life, but, in the first place, for a reader who is capable of straining his intellect to admit the speculative concepts overlooking conscious understanding.

Today’s reality has really shaken the confidence of generally - known dogmas of official science. It’s, however, a long way to the wide acceptance of a non-traditional interpretation of the outward world.

   Don’t grudge the efforts to open the first page and further you will acquire the sense of a greater use, than just acting the part which pragmatic theory has been destined for you, supposedly, guided by the past and present experience, and an insight of the future; the theory which has formed the norm of behavior regulations, originated from subjective realization of the heart of a particular temporary situation.

Imposing such spiritual restriction forms the infrastructure affects our everyday life, entangling everyone in lies, unbelief and despair. It’s quite possible that not all of the author’s judgments will be taken unanimously, especially since the concept suggested is not put in an affirmative way, but in the form of evident things. Thus one gets an impulse to develop his own overview toward the outward world, giving freedom to his soul

The issue is for people who have lost their beloved ones. 

The loss of an intimate friend changes to a state of deep depression. A new vital optimism comes out as a proposed initiation that gives the code of external energy- informational infeed.


                                              The unknown world


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1.   Basic assumptions

The universe is an energy- informational substance put into a great number of forms, manifestations, correlations and their aggregates of different levels. Their individual objects manifest one or another energy- informational deliverance aimed at keeping its balance.  The automatism of keeping the balance is fair to the systems of “inferior” and “superior” orders, i.e. from the systems of a bioplast level to the systems of an intergalactic level. The balance of heterogeneous objects of the systems of any kind specifies both, the energy- informational heterogeneity and instability of balanced conditions of one-level and different-level systems, and their external energy- informational correlations.

The objects of any level can be conditionally characterized by:

-          high energy- informational deliverance (external “vitality”),

-          low energy- informational deliverance,

-          zero,

-          negative (absorbing the energy without external vitality).

On the surface, changes in the state of any object manifest themselves as an adjustment to its vitality aimed at keeping the balance of an inferior order system. In addition, the objects having zero energetic activity gain feasible energetic activity while the objects having a high level of vitality may lose it. But this transfer (energy- informational exchange) in a certain system not necessarily has the general nature and can be locked inside of the localized system of objects (e.g. an individual, the solar system, etc.).

The solar system is the system of objects where the Sun is the central object of the energy- informational correlation, in the aggregate with another form of the vitality of planets. In its part the solar system correlates with other solar systems. Their union is a system of higher levels.

The earth is one of the planets of the solar system and it specifies the outward world in our conscience. Many people don’t associate the phenomena of our world with the objects and systems beyond it that still can be seen, let alone those that can’t be perceived by our sense organs of sense (i.e. consciously). The processes taking place on a subconscious level are at least 10 times as capacious as conscious human activity and it’s for the processes that mainly determine peoples’ course of life, and leave a significant mark on him. 

Mechanically moving in the near-Earth space, in our conscience, we can be in control of all the modifications of the outward world, some of its objects, appearance and disappearance of some or other objects or phenomena, “the life” in a great variety of its forms and manifestations. The space (the frames of the space), where we are now, have been adapted to measure length by conditionally chosen standards in 3 directions, such as height, width and length. Consciously fixed length of some processes and phenomena is measured by so-called “time”. “The standard of time” is a multiple value of the Earth’s orbital period around the Sun, and the Earth’s orbital period around its axis. (The criterions of “time” are night and day change, the change of seasons etc.). At that, we seemingly specify the basic reference point of time on the location of the Earth relative to the visible objects of the universe. The regularity of repeat phenomena found by us incites to the assumption that the outward world develops under some unshakeable laws. There appears the desire to consciously conceive the main point of these laws, to discover all their aggregate and thus to experience the principle of the creation of the outward world. And so it’s not a long way to become in control of it, is it?

Owing to our narrow-mindedness i.e. the conscious area, an individual originally tries to deepen his knowledge about the outward world, at first, by covering a wide spectrum of the phenomena of his interest. But in the long run all is brought to the study of a narrow layer of the problem and the removal from the common whole. A paradoxical phenomenon takes place, the wider an individual originally covers the outward world in his mind with all its energy- informational filling, the more clear seems to be the mechanism of its vitality (there is no contradiction to subconscious vision of the surroundings). 

One wants to assume that a deeper and detailed consideration of some processes and phenomena (supposedly local) will give us a clue to its internal contents. In fact, deepening further into the narrow areas of knowledge brings up such a number of insoluble questions that brings the process of conscious perception to absurd. The reason is the formation of the will (artificial) isolation (localization) of the processes and phenomena under consideration by cutting off the whole, not considering the interference hidden into the conscience and the hidden interdependencies with the unknown. The break-off of an energy- informational chain with subconsciousness takes place. The appearance and development of different fields of knowledge partly clarifies the world around us, makes us live under the laws created by us which by their frames restrict the phenomena and processes we study. On the conjunctions of different knowledge new theoretical developments come up that synthetically fuse the original fields of knowledge. The diffusion of their interference, however, is not deep and doesn’t brings things up to the level of understanding the unknown that were initially thrown away. It’s impossible to create a universal code of laws for the outside world, as well as not having a reference point, it’s impossible to figure out the distance to a moving material object. Assuming a random point to be the basic one will a priori be a false option, owing to continuous, overall change of the world, not forming basic local zones. A continuous process of change in the outer world takes place and any stationary volitional desire of a human being (group of people) loses sense in any forthcoming time space called the future. The complication of the core of phenomena that takes place is a consequence of breach in the energy- informational chains giving the “clues” to the simple vision of the continuous whole. The breach of each link is like the appearance of additional indeterminates requiring their thorough and scrupulous remake. At that, even the clue to the quantitative values of these indeterminates doesn’t reveal the true structure of our world.

The inevitable derives: an originally simple structure of the integrated world, if broken and localized into separate substructures, becomes cluttered with the chaos of ultra-complicated incomprehensible structures, like lights in a bog, drawing to a moor. A simplified description of the future leads to an opposite and a more flexible deadlock.   

An example of such conscious knowledge is the problem of the space and time integrity.

Trying to comprehend the heart point of “time”, its original structure brought everything to multiple assumptions and options, both, arising and being rejected. A primitive concept of dissociation from the material world and time still dominates. In other words, we exist on our own and the period of our existence we measure in some strange, chosen by ourselves standard -  “the time” which exists independently of us, and it flows, and flows.

Any assumption expressed in an acceptable for understanding static form, brings everything to a primitive scheme, to the generalization of the material objects’ vitality and their variety (just as the way of bringing to a common denominator). Artificially squeezing the world into a primitive scheme digestible for indifferent majority and distributing this knowledge is a way to despair and disbelief leading to the dead-end of development.

There is no common concept of “time”. “Time” is polysimantic and all features of the phenomena (“time”) one should consider in its entire variety, in each dimension of the surroundings. The system of each level and every structural level of the system can be characterized by its own “time”, different from other “time”. Each material object has its own “time”.

The simplest change in our world is a mechanical movement of an object. The movement in itself is not a change but becomes it while considering the system towards which the moving object moves. In its turn, the changes to the material object considered take place while analyzing its structure, the removal of the material objects included in its structure. And always, each local material object is characterized by its own “time”. If the object loses integrity, each component of it gains separate, independent “time” in a new balanced system of another level.

Time is a phenomenon of energy- informational deliverance by a material object (energy specific unit weight) aimed at the change (transformation) in the world (the system of a higher structural level). The cells transform an organism and die (their “time” is aimed at the transformation of the organism). An individual  “transforms” the world around him and dies (his “time” is aimed at the change in the society, spiritual and material filling of the world…).

The vitality of a material object (MO) consists of 2 components. They are energy- informational filling (EIF) and energy- informational exchange (EIE).

 The energy- informational heritance is a consequence of individual vision of the transforming world (moving in time), which contains an active component formed by this object (the individual). 

 The energy- informational exchange is a mechanism of passing and reception of the energy- informational structure with a specific selectivity, sensitivity and relational intensity.

It divides into vertical MO with the Supreme Mind and horizontal with material objects around (EIE) or the systems of different levels.


                                                    ÏÐÎÏÓÙÅÍÀ 2 -13 ÃËÀÂÀ




