
53 , , 50-60

Paper Airplane

  • 17.04.13, 14:43
Said I spilled the ink across the page 
Trying to spell your name 
Up and down there it goes 
Paper aeroplane 

It hasn't flown the seven seas to you 
But it's on its way 
It goes through the hands and to someone else 
To find you girl


  • 30.04.2013, 10:35
  • -
    17.04.2013, 15:09

  • 17.04.2013, 14:49
  • secret
    01.04.2013, 18:07


117.04.13, 15:02

girl .....

    217.04.13, 15:05³ 1 ó:



      317.04.13, 15:06³ 2 Ariel-Fana



        417.04.13, 15:13³ 2 Ariel-Fana


          517.04.13, 15:43³ 4 ó:
