


Україна, Київ

Рейтинг в розділі:

с матами. по поводу политики, патриотизма и сознательности

  • 26.02.10, 17:38
Вот дорогие мои *патриотичныебля* сограждане, скажите мне пожалуйста, где Вы блять берётесь такие умные то? Откуда у Вас ума столько? Зачем вас ваш бог наделяет извилинами? чтобы блять развязывать из за вязанием у теливизора??? Ладно, я спокойно отреагировала на выборы мера в Киеве...С учётом процента избирателей-пенсионеров этот результат был предсказуем...ТОЛЬКО УМАЛИШЁННЫЙ МОГ ВЫБРАТЬ ТАКОГО МЕРА! Только блять идиот, который смотрит всю жизнь телевизор, верит новостям, читает газету...

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What my dream looks like?

  • 25.02.10, 18:58
[Приєднана картинка]it's not just a dream. it's target, goal, future, opportunity to prove that i can do something that matter's, chance to be not ordinary and to serve not just myself but others. I've already put their picture as wallpapers.so why am i saying that?i want u to wish me good luck:)selfish...i know


  • 16.02.10, 16:02
I know I'm not supposed to think about it now. I know i should be so concentrated on my future, my education, my path in this life. But i feel huge need for  thinking about it. I'm just too bored to be all right and all so straight-thinking person. I'm struggling for passion in my life. And i always knew i could give up everything else for it, like normal average girl i think. But i never could, even when i had this kind of choice. Passion, desire, feelings and (love?) - everything i was...

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to be a freak like me

  • 15.02.10, 16:55
maybe i really need to rest of my mind...and my emotions...definatly my emotions first...i need movie or something to distract me...or better cartoon...South Park will be perfect i guess...for me easiest thing in the world is to make myself overwhelmed with myself...no people needed...i actually forgot when i felt completely comfortable with someone...i know I'm getting crazy with all of this books all the time...But long ago, no i didn't decide it, but understood that I'm that kind of freak...

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to be a freak like me

  • 15.02.10, 16:45
maybe i really need to rest of my mind...and my emotions...definatly my emotions first...i need movie or something to distract me...or better cartoon...South Park will be perfect i guess...for me easiest thing in the world is to make myself overwhelmed with myself...no people needed...i actually forgot when i felt completely comfortable with someone...i know I'm getting crazy with all of this books all the time...But long ago, no i didn't decide it, but understood that I'm that kind of freak...

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illusion and truth

  • 15.02.10, 13:58
for a last week or so i live in strange dream, where everything is possible. And with every next second i realize that my real life is fake. I've understood that everything i ever wanted is hardly possible, but even now I'm looking forward for it. This faith is making my days and i feel like I'm happy. But still i understand that it's illusion. This unrealistic fantasy is making me crazy and meaningful but it have to end soon. I can not live unreal life. Can I? Probably, i have to face the...

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in english again.to prevent or to hide

  • 11.02.10, 13:25
i sat still on my sit. right...i hated public transport almost as nothing else in the world. too much noisy people, to close to me, interrupting my space. I never could relax in such circumstances. I remember that time when i had my car. it's sounds like my own personal freedom, and i enjoyed it as much as i could. i could drive for hours just to find another lake in the state on 10 thousands lakes...i never liked lakes so much, but all this different places was magic for me. i could stare on...

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in english.personal.too close to the truth.

  • 09.02.10, 18:34
I'm just going and going crazy...my terrible dreams started again...i making stories again and again and i feel like if I'm not gonna write them down i will die...not die physically but emotionally...it's like when you overreacting for everything and just don't know what a hell is going on with you...i don't...i sincerely don't know...it feels like i made this *another me* and it trying to take everything away from me...but it look OK i guess and i look normal...sometimes i become really really ...

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драма без смысла

  • 04.02.10, 17:27
сегодня обратно я услышала замечательное ай мис ю (а дальше по тексту)...Мне в последнее время всё больше становится ясно как же люди любят преувеличивать...И я не исключение...Но сегодня не обо мне...Вот так часто бывает, в погонях за сверх-чувством мы раздуваем до немыслимых масштабов свои эмоции, но к счастью или к сожалению это всего-навсего слова. Слова невообразимые помощники в руках мастеров комедии и драмы..Нам всем так нехватает яркости...Вот мы сами и рисуем её словами...- Ты самое...

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антисоциальный егоизм.

  • 02.02.10, 16:16
До недавних пор я и не задумывалась над тем, насколько же я антисоциальная егоистка...Все мои мысли крутятся вокруг меня, моих проблемм, моих целей, а главное моих желаний...И я, почему-то, всегда считала это нормой. Каждый должен заботится только о себе. Так звучало моё правило в отношении других, но в отношении себя, я с поразительным упорством требовала исполнения собственных желаний. Тоесть исходя из данной аксиомы Мир всецело существовал только для того, чтобы Я, такая прекрасная...

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