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39 років, водолій, познайомиться з хлопцем у віці 34-46 років

Необычная сенсорная мышь Asus

Asus releases a touch-sensitive optical wireless mouse.

With touch being a new keyword in human computer interaction these days, Asus was not shy about getting into the game. Yesterday, they released the WX-DL touch sensitive optical wireless mouse. Its round shape differentiates from the Apple Magic Mouse, and most other mice currently on the market. The shape does, however, strike a resemblance to the Mac puck mouse that came with the blue and white G3s and the first iMacs.

Asus представила необычную сенсорную мышь.

Asus releases a touch-sensitive optical wireless mouse.



Гість: БезумныйМир

129.10.10, 09:32

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