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39 років, близнюки, познайомиться з хлопцем у віці 35-45 років

Фотографии времени недалекого прошлого

  • 22.08.10, 21:44

Robot dog walker, 1978.

The Future is Now personal computer 1977

The Commodore PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) Home Computer, 1977.

The Year: 1958. The Machinery: The Ramo-Wooldridge RW-300 Digital Computer. Processing Speed: Unknown, but I bet my kid's DSi could out-perform it in a second.

Colliers Magazine, 1952. Why, oh why, couldn't we have really conquered space in something this truly shit-kicking?

The 1962 Ford Seattle, a concept car not meant for production and bearing great similarity to the Lincoln Futura, an earlier concept car for Ford in 1957, which would eventually become the model for television's Batmobile.

Frigidaire's "Kitchen of the Future," on display in 1957.

The GM Runabout concept car, 1964.

The Gunslinger Team has determined, after viewing multiple pieces of evidence, that the "future" in the fifties almost always involved space helmets. I almost feel guilty to the dreamers of that age for not one wearing one.

The Take-Along Telephone, 1973.

The World of Tomorrow comes to the classroom.




Гість: Lina_Che

122.08.10, 21:50