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Замітки з міткою «chimaira»

Chimaira покинул басист

Chimaira покинул басист

Американская грув-металл группа Chimaira опубликовали следующее сообщение:

"После десятилетия хороших времен и достижений, наш друг и коллега Jim LaMarca принял решение покинуть коллектив..."
Chimaira покинул басист

Chimaira - Resurrection



Free at last finally tasting happiness 5 years of hell for nothing trapped inside the minds of failures A wise man once said That which does not kill us makes us stronger But we were dead So are we now invincible? Determination, perseverance, resolution... Resurrection Final straw underlying ignorance Consumed by greed and hate (and hate) Kept under the feet of tyrants Reality kicked in Raced against time just to start all over Treated like shit Pushed aside and expendable Determination, Perseverance, Resolution... Resurrection We have become, So god damn powerful [x6] All the beatings you gave us We will use them against you Determination, Perseverance, Resolution... Resurrection Free At last Finally tasting happiness Resurrection