Manegarm - Hemfard
- 06.12.09, 19:36

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The first dawn of autumn slowly rises. Spreading colour over frosty meadow. Leaves fall to the ground.
A storming sea of colours.
A biding darkness is yet again at Year's gate.
The land sinks into a quiet torpor.
The days appear dim under clouds heavy with rain.
Icy is the froth of Rimfax in the early hours.
The calls from the forest call me home. To my kin...
to my bed. Homeward, homeward my inner whispers.
Home to deep valleys and leaf-filled vales.
To the paths I've always wandered. To streams that have quenched my thirst. To ponds and lakes so known to me. Where I've watched my reflection, cooled in the night under star-filled sky.
Home, to feel the chill of the morning breeze on the mountain of the Fey... Home.
Thoughts wander over ancient land.
Hope from the old legacy echoes.
Shrouded in the heavy breath of gods.
The leaves of the ash whisper quietly.
They tell of earth and worlds below.
Of mountains and those who rule there.
They whisper of that which is my home.
These roots that cool. In the cold streams of the underworld. They tell of wisdom that dwell. And the primal force glowing therein.
They whisper of the sea. And the brooks flowing there. Of the forest brooding dark and still. Filled with memories and old wounds.
Tenacious and powerful. Proud and wise. With the root in the soil. Filled with the liquid of life. They tell of the old people. The beautiful that dance over the bog. Of the king of the forest. Quietly watching by the shore of the lake.
Of the mistress of the forest. The frail and misleading. This female being. With a delightful scent of leaves.
They whisper of the sky and the stars above. Of the secrets above. They whisper of the fresh water in the northern brook. They tell of Bifrost and the final road home.
The sun settles slowly in the horizon. The two worlds meet. A kingdom of dreams falls closely.
From the lake a mist rises. Light, as the tears of elves. Wanders over the black surface.
I stand here yet again. On the mountainof the fey. Feeling the cold of the night breeze. The moon sings its full.
Hear my kin call. Welcoming me home. Never again will I leave this. My eternal home.